ELEX Best Paper Award in the year 2023
Integrated circuits
THz devices, circuits and modules
20230395 : LETTER
Low-noise balanced mixer for 300-GHz band based on Fermi-level managed barrier diode on SiC platform
Vol. 8 No. 13 July 10, 2011
Integrated circuits
986-993 : LETTER
Model of Network-on-Chip routers and performance analysis
Science and engineering for electronics
994-1000 : LETTER
Verification methodology for the IMT-Advanced channel simulator
Integrated circuits
1001-1007 : LETTER
Area-efficient reed-solomon decoder for 10Gbps satellite communication
Science and engineering for electronics
1008-1013 : LETTER
Independent null steering by decoupling complex weights
Integrated circuits
Electron devices, circuits, and systems
1022-1027 : LETTER
Protruded displacement mapping for image-based urban representation
Microwave and millimeter wave devices, circuits, and systems
1028-1033 : LETTER
Compact lowpass filter with ultra-wide stopband using novel spiral compact microstrip resonant cell
Integrated circuits
1034-1039 : LETTER
A 5.5mW 80-400MHz Gm-C low pass filter with a unique auto-tuning system
Integrated circuits
1040-1046 : LETTER
Area-delay efficient arithmetic Mixed-Radix Conversion for Fermat moduli
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
1047-1055 : LETTER
Design considerations to affect on shielding effectiveness for conductive enclosure
Integrated circuits
1056-1063 : LETTER
A CMOS voltage controlled oscillator topology for suppression of flicker noise up-conversion
Integrated circuits
1064-1070 : LETTER
The design of a texture mapping unit with effective MIP-map level selection for real-time ray tracing
Microwave and millimeter wave devices, circuits, and systems
1071-1074 : LETTER
A 14.3% PAE parallel class-A and AB 60GHz CMOS PA
Optoelectronics, Lasers and quantum electronics, Ultrafast optics, Silicon photonics, Planar lightwave circuits
1075-1081 : LETTER
Bandwidth enhancement of single-mode VCSEL with lateral optical feedback of slow light
Sensing hardware
1082-1088 : LETTER
Background modeling using special type of Markov Chain
Microwave and millimeter wave devices, circuits, and systems
1089-1095 : LETTER
BER analysis of DS-UWB system employing a laplace distribution model
Optoelectronics, Lasers and quantum electronics, Ultrafast optics, Silicon photonics, Planar lightwave circuits
1096-1101 : LETTER
Design and simulation of a high power single mode 1550nm InGaAsP VCSELs
Integrated circuits
1102-1108 : LETTER
Minimal fully adaptive fuzzy-based routing algorithm for Networks-on-Chip