ELEX Best Paper Award in the year 2023
Integrated circuits
THz devices, circuits and modules
20230395 : LETTER
Low-noise balanced mixer for 300-GHz band based on Fermi-level managed barrier diode on SiC platform
Vol. 12 No. 20
Electron devices, circuits, and systems
20150470 : LETTER
A high-performance elliptic curve cryptographic coprocessor with side channel analysis countermeasures for smart IC card
Integrated circuits
20150546 : LETTER
Pre-charge solution for low-power, area-efficient SAR ADC
Optoelectronics, Lasers and quantum electronics, Ultrafast optics, Silicon photonics, Planar lightwave circuits
20150656 : LETTER
28 Gbaud 16-QAM modulation with compact driver module for InP MZM
Electron devices, circuits, and systems
20150694 : LETTER
AlGaN channel MIS-HEMTs with a very high breakdown electric field and excellent high-temperature performance
Integrated circuits
20150695 : LETTER
Two phase clocked subthreshold adiabatic logic circuit
Microwave and millimeter wave devices, circuits, and systems
Optoelectronics, Lasers and quantum electronics, Ultrafast optics, Silicon photonics, Planar lightwave circuits
Integrated circuits
20150742 : LETTER
Extracting random jitter and sinusoidal jitter in ADC output with a single frequency test
Integrated circuits
20150747 : LETTER
A new automatic method for testing interconnect resources in FPGAs based on general routing matrix
Integrated circuits
20150792 : LETTER
Methods to speed up read operation in a 64 Mbit phase change memory chip