ELEX Best Paper Award in the year 2023
Integrated circuits
THz devices, circuits and modules
20230395 : LETTER
Low-noise balanced mixer for 300-GHz band based on Fermi-level managed barrier diode on SiC platform
Vol. 11 No. 5
Microwave and millimeter wave devices, circuits, and systems
20120021 : LETTER
Compact tunable dual-band bandpass filter using open-loop resonator loaded by step impedances cells for multimode WLANs
Microwave and millimeter wave devices, circuits, and systems
20130759 : LETTER
A robust digital predistortion algorithm for power amplifiers
Integrated circuits
20130825 : LETTER
A 4Gb/s, 370µA low-power Tx FIR driver for LPDDR4 applications
Electron devices, circuits, and systems
20130900 : LETTER
Study of charge retention mechanism for DNA memory FET
Electromagnetic theory
20130963 : LETTER
Asymptotic analysis for transient scattered field excited by the edges of a cylindrically curved conducting open sheet
Electron devices, circuits, and systems
20130983 : LETTER
Design of a bitmap-based QoS-aware memory controller for a packet memory
Electromagnetic theory
20140007 : LETTER
Electrically small dual-band substrate-integrated-waveguide antenna with fixed low-frequency and tunable high-frequency bands
Integrated circuits
20140010 : LETTER
Memory efficient DIT-based SDF IFFT for OFDM systems
Electromagnetic theory
20140034 : LETTER
Power division ratio on multi-hop WPT considering coupling of the receiver with two couplers
Microwave and millimeter wave devices, circuits, and systems
Microwave and millimeter wave devices, circuits, and systems
20140084 : LETTER
A linearized amplifier using self-mixing feedback technique
Electron devices, circuits, and systems
20140086 : LETTER
An ambient-light sensor system with startup correction for LTPS-TFT LCD
Integrated circuits
20140090 : LETTER
Real-time and smooth scalable video streaming system with bitstream extractor intellectual property implementation