ELEX Best Paper Award in the year 2023
Integrated circuits
THz devices, circuits and modules
20230395 : LETTER
Low-noise balanced mixer for 300-GHz band based on Fermi-level managed barrier diode on SiC platform
Vol. 10 No. 23
Electromagnetic theory
Integrated circuits
20130603 : LETTER
A high linear broadband cascode LNA employing common-gate linearity enhancing technology
Electron devices, circuits, and systems
Integrated circuits
20130704 : LETTER
A scalable RNS Montgomery multiplier over F2m
Electron devices, circuits, and systems
Integrated circuits
20130753 : LETTER
A resistance matching based self-testable current-mode R-2R digital-to-analog converter
Integrated circuits
20130756 : LETTER
A simple cost-effective PSR LED driver without auxiliary winding
Electron devices, circuits, and systems
Integrated circuits
Electron devices, circuits, and systems
20130807 : LETTER
Loss reduction of lateral power diode on SOI substrate with trenched buried oxide layer
Integrated circuits
20130853 : LETTER
Low power logic BIST with high test effectiveness
Optoelectronics, Lasers and quantum electronics, Ultrafast optics, Silicon photonics, Planar lightwave circuits