ELEX Best Paper Award in the year 2023
Integrated circuits
THz devices, circuits and modules
20230395 : LETTER
Low-noise balanced mixer for 300-GHz band based on Fermi-level managed barrier diode on SiC platform
Vol. 10 No. 24
Integrated circuits
20130264 : LETTER
A new gm-boosting current reuse CMOS folded cascode LNA
Integrated circuits
Integrated circuits
Micro- or nano-electromechanical systems
20130746 : LETTER
Design and simulation of a high isolation RF MEMS shunt capacitive switch for C-K band
Electron devices, circuits, and systems
Integrated circuits
20130789 : LETTER
A 0.1 to 5GHz ultra-wide band single-to-differential CMOS LNA with output balancing for SDRs
Microwave and millimeter wave devices, circuits, and systems
20130806 : LETTER
Unified active Q factor formula for use in noise spectrum estimation from Leeson’s and Hajimiri’s models
Fiber optics, Microwave photonics, Optical interconnection, Photonic signal processing, Photonic integration and systems
20130812 : LETTER
Multimode-interference-structure optical-fiber temperature sensor with high sensitivity
Integrated circuits
Integrated circuits
Integrated circuits
Integrated circuits
20130882 : LETTER
A mixed sample-time error calibration technique in time-interleaved ADCs
Integrated circuits
Integrated circuits
20130894 : LETTER
Thermo-mechanical performance of Cu and SiO2 filled coaxial through-silicon-via (TSV)
Integrated circuits
20130922 : LETTER
A low-voltage current conveyor using inverter-based error amplifier and its oscillator application
no field
20138002 : ERRATA
Erratum: The impact of trapping centers on AlGaN/GaN resonant tunneling diode [IEICE Electronics Express Vol. 10 (2013) No. 19 pp. 20130588]