ELEX Best Paper Award in the year 2023
Integrated circuits
THz devices, circuits and modules
20230395 : LETTER
Low-noise balanced mixer for 300-GHz band based on Fermi-level managed barrier diode on SiC platform
Vol. 21 No. 7
Integrated circuits
20240004 : LETTER
A high performance NVMe host logic engine based on dynamically configurable queues and co-design of NVMe and PCIe
Microwave and millimeter wave devices, circuits, and modules
20240029 : LETTER
Target detector in sea clutter background based on maximum eigenvalue of dual-channel data and filtering processing
Integrated circuits
20240038 : LETTER
A 3.3V 14-bit 125MS/s pipeline ADC with hybrid 1.8V/3.3V MOSFET technique in 0.18µm CMOS
Integrated circuits
20240050 : LETTER
A -89dB PSRR 1.064ppm/°C bandgap voltage reference based on curvature compensation
Integrated circuits
20240055 : LETTER
A 840-µm2 low-power all-MOS temperature sensor front-end with real-time voltage calibration
Integrated circuits
20240059 : LETTER
A 50Gb/s PAM4 receiver with mid-frequency compensation and decision jitter cancellation
Optical hardware
20240065 : LETTER
A silicon mode multiplexer based on the three-stage cascaded wavelength insensitive coupler for MDM-WDM transmission system
Circuits and modules for electronic instrumentation
20240068 : LETTER
An FLL structure based on a DFT interpolation discriminator for tracking weak GNSS signal
Integrated optoelectronics
20240077 : LETTER
Feedback signal detection and drive signal compensation for electromagnetic MEMS scanning mirror based on FPGA
Integrated circuits
20240104 : LETTER
A high-output-swing 64-Gb/s PAM-4 transmitter with a 4-tap hybrid FFE in 28-nm CMOS
Power devices and circuits
20240106 : LETTER
A large voltage gain and high output power boost converter for PV sources directly convertible to 400V DC microgrid