The 22nd Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium

number title/author
TS1-1Efficient Path and Charge (P&C) Scheduling for a Mobile Charger to Improve Survivability and Throughput of Sensors with Adaptive Sensing Rates
You-Chiun Wang, Yu-Cheng Bai,
TS1-2Friendly Jamming in Wireless Networks: A Stackelberg Game
Shilpa Rao, Rohit Tripathi,
TS1-3Secrecy Outage Probability of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Cooperative Underlay Cognitive Radio Network Communications
Anh-Tu Le, Munyaradzi Munochiveyi,
TS1-4SSAE - DeepCNN Model for Network Intrusion Detection
Jonghwa Lee, Jong-wouk Kim, Mi-Jung Choi,