Council of Technical Committee Representatives

List of Technical Committees

Regular Technical Committees

Technical Committees Technical Fields Major Topic Areas
Network & Application Wireless Optics Funda mental
Antennas and Propagation (AP) - - - Radiowave propagations, Antennas-general, Antennas-system
Internet Architecture (IA) - Internet Case Studies and Social Implications, Internet Interconnection, Operation and Management, Network Architecture and Protocol, Internet Application and Middleware, Internet Security
Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics (SANE) Satellite technology, Electronic and radio-wave application system, Remote sensing, Navigation and traffic control
Satellite Telecommunications (SAT) - Satellite communications and broadcasting systems, Hardware for satellites and earth stations, Satellite application systems, Elementary technologies for  communications, Control and management methods
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMCJ) - - EMC Countermeasures and EMC design techniques, EMC measurement techniques and International standards, EMC materials and biological effect of EM fields, EMC problems in communication systems, Discharge noise and others
Communication Quality (CQ) Optimization and Control of QoE/QoS, Evaluation and Measurement of QoE/QoS, Performance of Information and Communication Services, Network Performance, Assessment, Measurement, and Control of Wireless Communication Quality
Information and Communication Management (ICM) - Element and Network Management, Service and Business Management, Management Functionalities, Operations and Management Technologies, Theories and Methodologies
Information Networks (IN) - Information Network Architecture, Information Network Service, Network QoS, Traffic Theory, Performance Analysis, Network Control, Operation and Management, Implementation and Security Issues in Networked Systems
Smart Radio (SR) cognitive radio, heterogeneous radio networks, wireless distributed network, software radio
Short Range Wireless Communications (SRW) - - Channel model and antenna design for short range wireless communication systems, PHY and RF for Short Range Wireless Communication, MAC for Short Range Wireless Communication, Network and security,Implementation of short range wireless communication systems
Sensor Network and Mobile Intelligence (SeMI) - Sensing, Mobility, Mobile/Ubiquitous Computing, Sensor/Ad Hoc/Mobile Networks, Applications
Communication Systems (CS) Telecommunication systems, Telecommunication control, Network architecture and implementation, Network applications, Communication studies
Energy Engineering in Electronics and Communications (EE) - - - Power device, Power conversion equipment, Power system, Energy system, Battery
Network Systems (NS) - Network Architecture, Network System Technology, Network Control and Protocols, Network Application Enablers, Network Quality and Management
Optical Communication Systems (OCS) - - - Optical Fibers, Optical Communication System, Optical Communication Equipment, Device Application to Optical Communication Systems, Optical Communications Network/Specification
Optical Fiber Technology (OFT) - - Optical fiber sensing, Optical fiber devices, Optical fiber systems, Optical fiber wiring/installing, maintenances/operations, Design of optical fiber/cable
Photonic Network (PN) - - Photonic network device, Photonic network system, Photonic network control and management, Photonic network application, Photonic network architecture
Healthcare and Medical Information Communication Technology (MICT) - - PHY/MAC technologies for healthcare and medical applications , Network technologies for healthcare and medical applications , Applications related to healthcare and medical ICT , Design Technology for ensuring human safety for healthcare and medical Applications , Information sharing and protection of personal information
Radio Communication Systems (RCS) Wireless communication theory, Wireless transmission technology, Wireless access technology, Wireless networking technology, Wireless communications standardization/implementation technology
Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) - - Wireless power transfer, Transmitting and receiving equipment and power transfer, RF circuit technology , Application technologies, Environmental problems

Ad Hoc Technical Committees (Active Period)

Technical Committees for Workshop Type 3 (Active Period)

Technical Committees Technical Fields Major Topic Areas
Network & Application Wireless Optics Funda mental
Cross-Field Research Association of Super-Intelligent Networking(RISING)
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Multiple Innovative Kenkyu-kai Association for wireless communications(MIKA)
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