
SIIT: Technical Committee on Standardization & Innovation in ICT technologies

last update: 2016-10-28

Recent Activity

2016-10-28 Friday
Workshop program " Open Close Strategy as a Engine for the Innovation " has been done at OIT Umekita Knowledge Center, Osaka Institute of Technology (OIT).
Part I: ICT and Innovation
NICTにおけるオープンイノベーションへの取組 藤田和重 (国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構)
"Rulemaking as 国際標準化を活用したルール形成(仮) 山下経 (日立製作所 / Ecma International)
“Innovation and Open Strategy in an Ecosystem around Osaka University” Terumasa Matsuyuki, Associate Professor, Center for Education in Arts and Sciences, Osaka University
Part II: Innovation and Intellectual Property Strategy
知的財産権の世界的な視点 内藤浩樹 (大阪工業大学)
中小企業における売上高規模と特許出願行動の関係 小沼良平 (小沼特許事務所)
メキシコ中小企業における知的財産戦略の有り方 Ivan Vasquez (大阪工業大学)
Part III: Panel Discussion "Open Issues in the relation among Industories, Academia and Governments"
Moderator: Professor Kazuo Murakawa (OIT)
Panelist: Presentors in Part I and II
2009. 2.23(Mon)
Symposium on Committee on Standardization & Innovation in ICT technologies (in Japanese)
2009. 9.8(Tue)-10(Thu)
International conference: SIIT2009 (Kogakuin university)

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