
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:3D2a



A Unidirectional Antenna Using a Probe Excited Concentric Circular Ring above the Reflector

Souphanna Vongsack,  Chuwong Phongcharoenpanich,  Sompol Kosulvit,  Toshio Wakabayashi,  


Publication Date:2006/11/2

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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The objective of this paper is to propose a unidirectional antenna using a probe excited concentric circular ring above the cylindrical reflector. The proposed antenna is operated at the frequency of 2.45 GHz. It is simulated by using CST (Microwave Studio) based on FIT (Finite Integral Techniques). By comparing the simulated results with the measured results, it is apparent that these results are reasonable agreement. The unidirectional pattern has the gain of 10.21 dBi from the simulation. The simulated results are very useful to design the antenna of the high directivity with unidirectional pattern. Moreover, the design of this antenna is simple, and the fabrication uses the low production cost. From its unidirectional pattern and the high gain, therefore, this antenna is suitable for the point to point wireless local area network (WLAN) communication system.