
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:3C2a



GPS Feasibility in the Study of the Received Land Mobile Satellite Signal Quality due to an Obstacle

Wan Azlan W. Z. Abidin,  Kiyotaka Fujisaki,  Mitsuo Tateiba,  


Publication Date:2006/11/2

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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The quality of the received Land Mobile Satellite (LMS) signal depends on factors such as multipath fading and shadowing due to obstacles. For proper planning of the LMS systems, the effect of these factors must be fully studied to minimize the degradation of the received signal. This paper investigates the effect of an obstacle on the received LMS signal by utilizing a cheaper, simpler but efficient measurement technique using the Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. The commercially available GPS receivers are able to provide the related signal strength intensity data which can be manipulated in the study of the quality of the LMS signal. In this paper, the measurement method used to obtain propagation data for the effect of building is explained and discussed. In addition, results obtained from the measured data are presented.