
International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation


Session Number:2WC1



Design of a MIMO Antenna with an Inductor Loaded Neutralization Line for Wireless Communications

Changho Lee,  Juman Kim,  Minseok Han,  Jaehoon Choi,  


Publication Date:2010/11/23

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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With the advent of abundant multimedia contents for wireless communications, the next generation wireless communication systems are required to be capable of higher data rates than those of current wireless communication systems. The most effective way to support higher data rates is to increase the channel capacity and multi-input multi-output (MIMO) antenna systems are suitable for this purpose [1]. In MIMO antenna systems, there are important factors such as high isolation, low envelope correlation, and diversity gain. Good performance for these factors could be achieved by maintaining the low correlation between antenna elements. In order to get low correlation, the minimum antenna space is required to be a half wavelength (0.5λ) or more [2]. However, only the limited space is available for antennas in most USB dongles. To achieve the high isolation between antennas, many researchers have been studying isolation improvement techniques for MIMO antennas: Defeated Ground Structures [3], mushroom like Electromagnetic Band Gap structures [4], and suspended line structures [5]. Although these structures could improve the isolation characteristics, they still require considerable spaces. In this paper, a MIMO antenna with an inductor loaded neutralization line for 2.4 GHz (802.11b/g) band is proposed. The proposed MIMO antenna is composed of two capacitively coupled fed antennas and these antennas are connected by an inductor loaded neutralization line. By using this inductor loaded neutralization line, high isolation characteristics are obtained.