
IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum


Session Number:B3



A proposed mHealth system for Parkinson's disease evaluation using Smartphone test data

Aggeliki Anastasiou,  John Lakoumentas,  Konstantinos Moustakas,  


Publication Date:2016-10-01

Online ISSN:2188-5079


PDF download (696.8KB)

During the last decades, extensive concern has been generated on the scientific community for Parkinson’s disease (PD) evaluation; diagnosis and prognosis. Current researches are trying to describe new methods for the detection of Parkinson’s motor symptoms, including the use of simple Smartphone tests. Similarly, the tests are used for monitoring and prognosis of PD; i.e., there has been an attempt to define metrics that correlate with the 3rd part of UPDRS (UPDRS III), which is considered as the golden standard for the severity of PD patients regarding motor symptoms. In this study, we propose an mHealth system for PD evaluation that is based on Smartphone test data and we demonstrate its usage with the application of statistical methods for diagnosing and predicting PD using this type of data. Despite the fact that the research is limited; i.e., the participants are not many in number, we conclude that there exists the potential for producing an alternative and modern approach of PD evaluation using Smartphones.