
Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:B3L-A



Stability of discrete breathers in nonlinear Klein-Gordon type lattices

Kazuyuki Yoshimura,  


Publication Date:

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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We consider the discrete breathers in one-dimensional nonlinear Klein-Gordon type lattices with pure anharmonic couplings. A discrete breather in the limit of vanishing couplings, i.e., the anti-continuous limit, consists of a number of in-phase or anti-phase excited particles, separated by particles at rest. Existence of the discrete breathers is proved for weak couplings by continuation from the anti-continuous limit. We prove a theorem for their linear stability, showing that the stability or instability of a discrete breather depends on the phase difference and distance between the two sites in each pair of adjacent excited sites in the anti-continuous solution.


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