
Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:A4L-B



Detection of coupling directions with intersystem recurrence networks

Norbert Marwan,  Jan H. Feldhoff,  Reik V. Donner,  Jonathan F. Donges,  Jürgen Kurths,  


Publication Date:

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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We describe and apply a novel concept for inferring coupling directions between dynamical systems based on geometric properties in phase space reconstructed from time series. The approach combines the recently introduced techniques for (1) studying interacting networks and (2) construction of complex networks from time series by their recurrence structure: we extend the approach of cross-recurrence between two systems towards an inter-system recurrence network and apply measures for studying interacting networks on it. These measures allow us to examine the emergence of typical geometric signatures in the driven relative to those of the driving system and vice versa, and, therefore, reveal signs of coupling directions. We demonstrate this concept by investigating the coupling between parts of the Asian monsoon system as seen from a palaeo-climate perspective.


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