
Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:A1L-A



Morphological pattern spectrum-based image manipulation detector

Takeshi Kumaki,  Zarina Binti Rafii,  Tomohiro Fujita,  Mamoru Nakanishi,  Takeshi Ogura,  


Publication Date:

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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This paper presents a morphological pattern spectrum-based image manipulation detector with a highly-parallel two-dimensional cellular automata architecture (CAM2). A novel proposed image-manipulation method consists of a mathematical morphological-based algorithm, which can extract an unique feature information from an digital original image, and a block-cipher algorithm, which can protect the above unique information. Themorphological pattern spectrum has been implemented with a CAM2 instruction-set program and tested with an evaluation system. From some manipulated-images analyses, the proposed detection method can show obviously different from the original image. Furthermore, for verifying the number of encryption clock cycles on the CAM2, an AES algorithm has been implemented. Then, the obtained processing capability of the CAM2 is up to 58% smaller than with conventional processors. Consequently, the proposed image-manipulation detector with the CAM2 is very effective method for an investigation of crime and a photographic evidence.


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