
URSI Commission B 2013 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory EMTS 2013


Session Number:23AM1B



Investigation of SAR of Dipole Phased Array Antenna above EBG Substrates

Kwok Hung Chan,  Ryo Ikeuchi,  Akimasa Hirata,  


Publication Date:2013/5/20

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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An investigation of a dipole phased array antenna above EBG substrates for SAR distribution in the human head is presented in this paper. A two-element array antenna designed at the 3.5 GHz band for 4G mobile applications is used. The effects of phase difference in the array antenna on SAR are computed by the FDTD method and the hybrid FEM/MoM. Results show that the phased array antenna above an EBG substrate could provide a maximum reduction of 78% in the SAR and a radiation efficiency improvement of 6% compared with an antenna above a PEC ground plane. Most importantly, the phase difference between the antennas can affect the SAR induced in the human head significantly. Additional evaluation on the effects of phase difference on the SAR value is needed.