
International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility


Session Number:21T3



Equipment Test Normative Base for IEMI

L. Siniy,  N. Safronov,  


Publication Date:2009/7/20

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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In Russia normative base in the field of IEMI are created in accordance with the principle stated in Federal law about technical regulation, accepted in 2003. This federal low establishes a norm that mandatory requirements and confirmation procedures for compliance with these requirements shall be stated for production, which is dangerous for citizens' health, for their property and for the environment. The development and acceptance of two types of technical regulations -general technical regulations and special technical regulations - is a condition of establishing these requirements and confirmation procedures. Federal low “About technical regulation" states that all problems of electromagnetic compatibility shall be covered by general technical regulations, which requirements shall be mandatory for all types of technical facility, containing electrical and electronic components. This means that after putting general technical regulation on electromagnetic compatibility into legal validity, technical facilities (including components, equipment, installations and systems) shall be developed and produced in accordance with the requirements established in general technical regulation on EMC, which is aimed at the exclusion of operating irregularities of these facilities at the impact of electromagnetic disturbances in real operating conditions.