
the 2014 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:C2L-D



Communication Robustness in Graphs Measured by the Communicability

Hiroyasu Ando,  Ernesto Estrada,  


Publication Date:2014/9/14

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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We consider the diffusion of information in a complex network as a consensus dynamics process taking place on the network. A network is considered to be robust if the removal of links does not increase significantly the time of consensus, i.e., the time needed to reach an equilibrium state. We define an index which accounts for the redundancy of communication between a pair of nodes and show empirical evidence that this index strongly correlates with the dynamic robustness of the network. When defined at a local scale this index identifies the links whose removal increases more dramatically the time of consensus. In closing, we show strong evidences that the local and global dynamic robustness of a network can be accounted by using a structural index of robustness which accounts for communication redundancy among the pairs of nodes.