
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications


Session Number:A4L-C



A Biased Distribution of Truncated Values in the Logistic Map Over Integers

Hideyuki Muraoka,  Shunsuke Araki,  Takeru Miyazaki,  Satoshi Uehara,  Ken'Ichi Kakizaki,  


Publication Date:2016/11/27

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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We will discuss a distribution of truncated values of the logistic map over integers, where these values are outputs by the logistic map modulo a power of two. We will observe that there are many solutions for this modulo-based logistic map experimently and then will derive a condition that many inputs are mapped into zero on the logistic map. Additionally, we will show that the input range is separated into eight blocks which have the same pattern of outputs. Conclusively, we will mention that the resolution of the logistic map modulo the power of two reduces four bits at least.