
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:A3L-F



Combinatorial Optimization with Physical Chaotic Neuro-Dynamics through Conscious and Subconscious Processes

Yoshihiko Horio,  Kazuyuki Aihara,  


Publication Date:2008/9/7

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Combinatorial optimization with high-dimensional analog chaotic neuro-dynamics is explored. A hardware prototype, which combines analog computations with chaotic neuro-dynamics and digital computation through algorithms, is constructed using analog chaotic-neuron integrated-circuits. In the hardware system, 300-dimensional analog chaotic neuro-dynamics drive a tabu-search algorithm. We may assume an analogy between this hybrid dynamical system and the information processing in the brain based on the interaction between conscious and subconscious processes. That is, the heuristic algorithm and the analog chaotic neuro-dynamics correspond to the conscious and subconscious processes, respectively. We demonstrate experimentally that the prototype system efficiently solves quadratic assignment problems (QAPs) through physical chaotic dynamics. Furthermore, we propose a synchronous update algorithm with modified neuron model suitable for a massively parallel hardware system in order to effectively solve large-size QAPs. Simulation results with large-size QAPs confirm the validity and efficiency of the synchronous algorithm.