
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:A3L-D



A Noise-Driven Neuromorphic Pulse-Density Modulator: Experimental Results with Discrete MOS Devices

Akira Utagawa,  Tetsuya Asai,  Yoshihito Amemiya,  


Publication Date:2009/10/18

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Recently, Hospedales et al. proposed a neural network model of “vestibulo-ocular reflex” (VOR) where a common input was given to multiple (nonidentical) spiking neurons accepting uncorrelated temporal noises, and the output was represented by the sum of the neurons’ outputs. Although the function of the VOR network is equivalent to pulse-density modulation, the neurons’ non-uniformity and temporal noises given to the neurons certainly improved the output spike’s fidelity to the analog input. In this paper, we propose a CMOS analog circuit implementing the VOR network that exploits non-uniformity of real MOS devices. Through extensive laboratory experiments using discrete MOS devices, we show that the output’s fidelity to the input pulses is certainly improved by the multiple neuron circuits where the non-uniformity is naturally embedded into the devices.