
International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:A1L-C



Development of a Sensor Node with Impact-Resistance Capability to Gather the Disaster Area Information

Kei SAWAI,  Tsuyoshi SUZUKI,  Hitoshi KONO,  Yasushi HADA,  Kuniaki KAWABATA,  


Publication Date:2008/9/7

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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The paper describes the development of a prototype of the novel sensor node with impact resistance capability for gathering disaster area information. We have been discussing a development of the gathering information system for disaster area by utilizing rescue robots and wireless sensor networks. Then we propose launching deployment method of the sensor node for deploying dangerous place where a human and robot cannot enter. In order to realize launching deployment, the sensor node has to be protected from dropping impact. Therefore, we covered the sensor node by impac-tresistance structure. Prototype of the sensor node consists of plastic ball for the impact-resistance structure and the sensor node core for sensing, communication and information processing. Experiment confirmed that prototype of the sensor node was able to communicate and launch.