
2007 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications


Session Number:18AM2-D



Data Synchronization as a Method of Data Mining

Takaya Miyano,  Takako Tsutsui,  


Publication Date:2007/9/16

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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We developed a method for feature extraction from multivariate data using a network of coupled phase oscillators subject to an analogue of the Kuramoto model for collective synchronization. In this method, the natural frequencies of the oscillators are extended to vector quantities to which multivariate data are assigned. The common frequency vectors of partially synchronized group of phase oscillators are interpreted to be the template vectors representing the general features of the data set. We applied our method to care-needs-certification data provided by Otsu City in the Japanese public long-term care insurance program, and examined the trend in major patterns in the health status of the elderly needing nursing care.