
International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications


Session Number:P3



Optimization of a Tone-mapping Curve for High Dynamic Range (HDR) Video

Chanyup Chae,  Seounghwi Kim,  Dongkyu Lee,  Jongseok Lee,  Jungwon Kang,  Seoungjun Oh ,  


Publication Date:2016/7/10

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Tone-mapping is the important part in the backward compatible structure of a video coding. While tonemapping an HDR (High Dynamic Range) image/video, bitrate and LDR (Low Dynamic Range) image/video quality are mainly considerable issues. Some pioneer approaches deal with the HDR bitrate rather than LDR image/video quality. In this paper, a tone-mapping curve is proposed with an adaptive histogram segmentation method to preserve LDR image quality while minimizing HDR-MSE (Mean Square Error). Then, we adjust the tone-mapping curve to make the LDR image have higher contrast and be more natural. In our experiment, the results show the subjectively better LDR image and objectively higher values of TMQI (Tone-Mapping Quality Index) metric.