
International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications


Session Number:M2-5



Granularly-Spatial Lossless Embedded Compression Algorithm on Memory Bandwidth Reduction for Video Codec Applications

Guo-Siang Huang,  Yu-Hsuan Lee ,  


Publication Date:2016/7/10

Online ISSN:2188-5079


PDF download (969.2KB)

The higher display resolution drives memory bandwidth issue to arise in video codec. The embedded compression (EC) is an efficient algorithm to reduce memory bandwidth. In this paper, a lossless EC using granularly-spatial EC (GSEC) algorithm is proposed. It comprises two core techniques of spatially-finer prediction (SFP) and spatiallyadaptive Golomb-Rice code (SAGRC). The SFP generates the residual for every pixel, and the SAGRC convert each residual to an efficient codeword. The gradient information around current pixel can make a link between SFP and SAGRC to improve coding efficiency. Experiment results reveal that this work can save memory bandwidth by 37% on average without any degradation on visual quality.