
Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications


Session Number:16-PM1-A



An Adaptive Node Density Estimation in VANETs Using Received Signal Power

Golnar Ķhomami,  Prakash Veeraraghavan,  Fernando Pérez Fontán,  


Publication Date:2015/10/14

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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Accurately estimating node density in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) is a challenging and crucial task. Various approaches exist yet none are able to deliver an accurate estimation in all situations especially in presence of collision in highly saturated networks. This paper describes an adaptive framework that allows individual nodes to estimate the real-time node density of their surrounding network. Our solution performs well in all situations even in chaotic channel conditions by retrieving information from collisions. This provides every vehicle on the road with two equations indicating the relation between 1) received signal strength versus simultaneously transmitting nodes, and 2) the relation between simultaneously transmitting nodes versus node density. These equations and frequently sampled received power levels enable individual nodes to estimate their real-time surrounding node density. Our proposal adapts to different environments and can address fast changes in configuration of the network and property of the channel in VANETs. Our experimental results indicate that the method yields reliable estimation in an acceptable time frame.