
Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications


Session Number:16-AM2-D



Demand and Supply Matching Method in Smart Grid by Distributed P2P Communication

Kosuke Asami,  Mitsuyasu Endo,  Ryo Kutsuzawa,  Soushi Yamamoto,  Kenya Takashima,  Hidetoshi Takeshita,  Naoaki Yamanaka,  


Publication Date:2015/10/14

Online ISSN:2188-5079


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In Smart Grid, renewable energy such as photovoltaic power and wind power has been rapidly introducing. Then, the power grid has been shifting from the tree 1:N structure with centralized power plants to the N:M structure with various kind of power resources. In this case, to realize matching control among N supply resources including unstable renewable energy and M consumers, the scalable real time matching method is necessary. In this paper, we propose a novel scalable real time matching algorithm to reduce the transmission loss by distributed P2P communication that is the P2P Interactive Agent eXtensions (PIAX) platform. Then, we show that the proposed method utilizing PIAX enables the real time matching and can reduce the transmission loss similar as centralized control method.