
Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications


Session Number:15-PM2-D



Modeling of Non-Linearities of a BAW Filter

Mohamed Ali Boujemaa,  Fethi Choubani,  Mohamed Mabrouk,  


Publication Date:2015/10/14

Online ISSN:2188-5079


PDF download (647.8KB)

Acoustic Wave (BAW) filters are high Q-factor, high power, integrated RF filters which have proven to be an excellent substitute for conventional RF filters. The Butterworth-Van Dyke model was used to model a ladder BAW filter that has been manufactured by ST-Microelectronics with the collaboration of LETI. The simulation has shown that the central frequency of this filter is 2.127GHz, its bandwidth is 61Mhz, which is confirmed by the experimental results. The non-linear behavior of the filter was, also, obtained by simulation and the results match the measured values.
Non-linear behavior is explored as manifested by harmonic balance test measurements, and have also been incorporated in the model with satisfactory results.