Concept of multilingual translation

IEICE will begin a multilingual translation trial of the four IEICE Transactions and ELEX

The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) will begin a multilingual (16 languages) translation trial of IEICE Transactions Online in April 2024.
The trial will cover the bibliographic information, abstracts, and full text of the four IEICE Transactions and ELEX.
For papers published before March 2024, only bibliographic information and abstracts will be machine translated.
Accordingly, the publication policy on IEICE Transactions Online will be changed as follows.

Four IEICE Transactions

Papers published after April 2024 (including advance publication papers) will be available on open access for a certain
period of time (*).
After this period of time, all papers will be closed except those for which the Open Access option has been selected.

* a certain period of time
For the April-December issues 2024: until the end of December 2026
For the January-December issues 2025: until the end of December 2027
For the January-December issues 2026: until the end of December 2028


Papers published after April 2024 (including advance publication papers) will be available on open access as in J-STAGE with no time limit.