Distinguished Lecturer

As a part of overseas activities, IEICE has been dispatching Distinguished Lecturers for lecture meetings since 2010. For application, please contact our Membership Section (member@ieice.org).

If the international section is involved in the event you are planning to dispatch the lecturer, please contact to the section representative instead.

2021 Distinguished Lecturer’s List

2023-2024 FY
No Society Name/Affiliation Specialized fields Remarks Webinar
1 Engineering Science(A)
Tomohiko Uyematsu(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Tomohiko Uyematsu(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • 1. Information Theory
  • 2. Universal Source Coding
  • 3. Error Correcting Codes
Biography and Past Lectures
2 Engineering Science(A)
Hitoshi Okada(National Institute of Informatics)
Hitoshi Okada(National Institute of Informatics)
  • 1. Electronic Commerce and Social Implication
  • 2. Blockchain Technology and its Application
  • 3. Law and Technology of Digital Currency
Biography and Past Lectures
3 Engineering Science(A)
Hiroki Koga(University of Tsukuba)
Hiroki Koga(University of Tsukuba)
  • 1. Information Theory
  • 2. Information Security
Biography and Past Lectures
4 Engineering Science(A)
Hiroshi Nakagawa(RIKEN)
Hiroshi Nakagawa(RIKEN)
  • 1. Ethics, Law and Social Issues of Artificial Intelligence
  • 2. Post-mortem Privacy and Personal Data Protection
  • 3. AI Agent and Trust
Biography and Past Lectures November 2023
5 Engineering Science(A)
Jun Muramatsu(NTT Corporation)
Jun Muramatsu(NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Corporation)
  • 1. Information Theory
  • 2. Shannon Theory
Biography and Past Lectures
6 Engineering Science(A)
Tadashi Wadayama(Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Tadashi Wadayama(Nagoya Institute of Technology)
  • 1. Coding Theory
  • 2. Communication engineering
  • 3. Signal Processing
Biography and Past Lectures April 2024
7 Communications(B)
Takehiro Morioka(AIST)
Takehiro Morioka(AIST)
  • 1. Electromagnetic compatibility
  • 2. Electromagnetic field measurement
  • 3. Measurement standards
Biography and Past Lectures May 2024
8 Communications(B)
Yu-ichi Hayashi(NAIST)
Yu-ichi Hayashi(NAIST)
  • 1. Electromagnetic compatibility
  • 2. Electronic information security
  • 3. Intentional electromagnetic interference
Biography and Past Lectures April 2023
9 Communications(B)
Go Hasegawa(Tohoku University)
Go Hasegawa(Tohoku University)
  • 1.Information network architecture
  • 2.Internet congestion control
  • 3.Mobile networking technologies
Biography December 2022
10 Communications(B)
Kazuhisa Yamagishi(NTT Network Technology)
Kazuhisa Yamagishi(NTT Network Technology Laboratories, NTT Corporation)
  • 1. Quality assessment
11 Communications(B)
Naoki Shinohara(Kyoto University)
Naoki Shinohara(Kyoto University)
  • 1. Microwave Power Transfer and Wireless Power Transfer
  • 2. Solar Power Satellite and Space Based Solar
  • 3. Microwave Heating
Biography and Past Lectures May 2022
12 Communications(B)
Ken-ichi Sato(NAIST)
Ken-ichi Sato(NAIST)
  • 1. Photonic network
  • 2. hotonic transport system (OXC/ROADM)
  • 3. Intra- and Inter- data center network
  • 4. Optical switching systems
Biography and Past Lectures April 2022
13 Communications(B)
Jiro Hirokawa(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Jiro Hirokawa(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • 1. Millimeter-wave and Terahertz band Planar
  • 2. Antenna System for Orthogonal Multi Duplexing
  • 3. Waveguide Beam-switching Circuit
Biography and Past Lectures August 2023
14 Communications(B)
Makoto Taromaru(Fukuoka University)
Makoto Taromaru(Fukuoka University)
  • 1. Radio communication systems, Mobile communication systems
  • 2. Adaptive smart antenna systems
  • 3. Tx/Rx architecture and radio signal processing for software defined radios
Biography August 2022
15 Communications(B)
Susumu Matsui(Yamato University)
Susumu Matsui(Yamato University)
  • 1. Ad hoc network
  • 2. IoT network
16 Communications(B)
Masaharu Oohashi(Osaka Prefecture University)
Masaharu Oohashi(Osaka Prefecture University)
  • 1. Transmission characteristics and measurement methods of optical fiber
  • 2. Optical fiber sensor
  • 3. International standardization of optical fibe
17 Communications(B)
Qiang Chen(Tohoku University)
Qiang Chen(Tohoku University)
  • 1. Antenna
  • 2. Array Antenna
  • 3. Electromagnetic Wave Imaging
18 Communications(B)
Tatsuya Yamazaki(Niigata University)
Tatsuya Yamazaki(Niigata University)
  • 1. Communication quality
  • 2. Multimedia
  • 3. Image processing
19 Communications(B)
Daisuke Anzai(Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Daisuke Anzai(Nagoya Institute of Technology)
  • 1.Wireless body area communications
  • 2. Implant communications
  • 3. Biomedical EMC
Biography and Past Lectures December 2023
20 Communications(B)
Hiroshi Murata(Mie University)
Hiroshi Murata(Mie University)
  • 1.Radio-over-Fiber for 5G/Beyond-5G Mobile
  • 2. High-Speed Optical Modulation and Electro-Optic Sensor
  • 3. Radio-over-Pipewall for Underground Pipeline Inspection
Biography and Past Lectures
21 Communications(B)
Hiroyoshi Yamada (Niigata University)
Hiroyoshi Yamada (Niigata University)
  • 1.Radar
  • 2. Array signal processing
  • 3. Microwave Remote Sensing
Biography and Past Lectures
22 Communications(B)
Tetsuya Yokotani (Kanazawa Institute of Technology)
Tetsuya Yokotani (Kanazawa Institute of Technology)
  • 1.Traffic Control
  • 2. Performance evaluation
  • 3. Optical access networks
  • 4.Home networks
  • 5. Reliable communication
  • 6. promotion of international standardization
Biography and Past Lectures
23 Electronics(C)

Kiichi Hamamoto(Kyushu University)
Kiichi Hamamoto(Kyushu University)
  • 1. Optoelectronics
  • 2. Optical device
  • 3. Optical communication
Biography and Past Lectures
24 Electronics(C)
Hiroshi Takahashi(Sophia University)
Hiroshi Takahashi(Sophia University)
  • 1. Optical communication system
  • 2. Optical waveguide theory (optical waveguide, optical fiber)
  • 3. Optical integrated circuits (optical switches, wavelength multiplexer / demultiplexers, coherent demodulation circuits, modulators, etc.)
Biography and Past Lectures September 2023
25 Electronics(C)
Koji Yamada(NAIST)
Koji Yamada(NAIST)
  • 1. Photonic integrated circuits
  • 2. Group IV photonic devices (Si, Ge, silicon nitride…)
  • 3. ilicon photonics fabrication systems
Biography and Past Lectures
26 Electronics(C)
Tetsuya Kawanishi(Waseda University)
Tetsuya Kawanishi(Waseda University)
  • 1. Optical and wireless converged system
  • 2. Application of millimeter waves and terahertz waves
Biography May 2023
27 Electronics(C)
Tadao Nagatsuma(Osaka University)
Tadao Nagatsuma(Osaka University)
  • 1. Millimeter wave and terahertz wave photonics
28 Electronics(C)
Susumu Noda(Kyoto University)
Susumu Noda(Kyoto University)
  • 1. Quantum Optoelectronics
  • 2. Photonic crystals, photonic nanostructures
Biography June 2024
29 Electronics(C)

Minoru Fujishima(Hiroshima University)
Minoru Fujishima(Hiroshima University)
  • 1. 300GHz-Band CMOS Transceiver
  • 2. Future of Ultrahigh-Speed Wireless Communications Beyond 100Gb/s
Biography and Past Lectures March 2022
30 Electronics(C)
Akihiko Hirata(Chiba Institute of Technology)
Akihiko Hirata(Chiba Institute of Technology)
  • 1. Ultra-broadband millimeter-wave wireless systems
  • 2. Millimeter-wave antenna
  • 3. Terahertz applications
Biography January 2023
31 Electronics(C)
Akira Hirose(University of Tokyo)
Akira Hirose(University of Tokyo)
  • 1. Advanced Neural Adaptive Processing in Interferometric and Polarimetric Radar Imaging
  • 2. Earth Observation Big Data Intelligence
  • 3. Physical Reservoir Computing Devices: Truly Neural Hardware in the AI and Sensor-Network Era
Biography and Past Lectures April 2022
32 Electronics(C)
Hirohito Yamada(Tohoku University)
Hirohito Yamada(Tohoku University)
  • 1. Optical devices
  • 2. Optical integrated circuits
  • 3. Semiconductor lasers
Biography and Past Lectures
33 Electronics(C)
Akimasa Hirata(Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Akimasa Hirata(Nagoya Institute of Technology)
  • 1. Bioelectromagnetics
  • 2. Computational Electromagnetics
  • 3. Standardization for Electromagnetic Safety
Biography and Past Lectures September 2022
34 Electronics(C)
Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku University)
Taiichi Otsuji (Tohoku University)
  • 1. Terahertz electronic devices
  • 2. Plasmonics
  • 3. 2D materials
Biography and Past Lectures
35 Electronics(C)
Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku University)
Motoyuki Sato(Tohoku University)
  • 1. GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar)
  • 2. GB-SAR (Ground-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar)
  • 3. Humanitarian demining by GPR
Biography and Past Lectures
36 Information&Systems(D)
Akinori Ito(Tohoku University)
Akinori Ito(Tohoku University)
  • 1. Audio signal processing
  • 2. Spoken language processing
  • 3. Music information processing
Biography and Past Lectures
37 Information&Systems(D)
Isao Echizen(NII)
Isao Echizen(NII)
  • 1. Multimedia
  • 2. Information security
  • 3. Privacy protection
  • 1. Biometric authentication
Biography and Past Lectures October 2022
38 Information&Systems(D)
Ryoichi Kawada(KDDI Research Institute)
Ryoichi Kawada(KDDI Research Institute)
  • 1. Video processing for telecom operation
39 Information&Systems(D)
Atsushi Koike(Seikei University)
Atsushi Koike(Seikei University)
  • 1. Picture Coding, Image Processing
40 Information&Systems(D)
Takako Akakura(Tokyo University of Science )
Takako Akakura(Tokyo University of Science )
  • 1. e-Learning System
  • 2. e-Testing System
Biography*Limited to relatively close places such as Taiwan / China with direct flights from Japan. Business trips to Europe, South Hemisphere including South America cannot be accepted. July 2024
41 Information&Systems(D)
Katsushi Ikeuchi(Microsoft Research)
Katsushi Ikeuchi(Microsoft Research)
  • 1. Computer vision
  • 2. Robotics
  • 3. e-Heritage
42 Information&Systems(D)
Koichi Kise(Osaka Prefecture University)
Koichi Kise(Osaka Prefecture University)
  • 1. Object recognition
  • 2. Document image analysis
  • 3. Information retrieval
Biography February 2024
43 Information&Systems(D)
Hiroshi Ishikawa(Waseda University)
Hiroshi Ishikawa(Waseda University)
  • 1. Computer vision
  • 2. Graph cuts
44 Information&Systems(D)
Shin'ichi Satoh(NII)
Shinichi Satoh(NII)
  • 1. Video indexing and understanding
  • 2. Information retrieval
Biography and Past Lectures
45 Information&Systems(D)
Hiroshi Fujita(Gifu University)
Hiroshi Fujita(Gifu University)
  • 1. AI application in medical imaging
  • 2. Medical image processing / analysis / evaluation
Biography and Past Lectures October 2023
46 Information&Systems(D)
Yoshinobu Sato(NAIST)
Yoshinobu Sato(NAIST)
  • 1. Medical image processing
  • 2. Computer surgery
  • 3. Computational anatomy
Biography and Past Lectures
47 Information&Systems(D)
Akinobu Shimizu(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Akinobu Shimizu(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
  • 1. Medical image analysis
  • 2. Diagnosis support
48 Information&Systems(D)
Seiichi Uchida(Kyushu University)
Seiichi Uchida(Kyushu University)
  • 1. image-informatics
  • 2. pattern recognition
  • 3. machine learning applications
Yoshihiko Horio(Tohoku University)
Yoshihiko Horio(Tohoku University)
  • 1. Brainmorphic computing hardware
  • 2. Nonlinear complex analog integrated circuits
  • 3.Edge AI hardware
Biography November 2022
Tetsushi Ueta(Tokushima University)
Tetsushi Ueta(Tokushima University)
  • 1. Bifurcation theory
  • 2. Nonlinear circuit
  • 3. Numerical computation
Biography and Past Lectures March 2023
Tohru Ikeguchi(Tokyo University of Science)
Tohru Ikeguchi(Tokyo University of Science)
  • 1. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
  • 2. Complex Network Theory
  • 3. Computational Neuroscience
Biography July 2023
Toshimichi Saito(Hosei University)
Toshimichi Saito(Hosei University)
  • 1. Artificial Neural Networks
  • 2. Artificial Neural Networksy
  • 3. Artificial Neural Networks
Biography August 2024