Special Issues

No.11 In Commemoration of the 1200th Issue Special Issue:Envisioning the Next 100 Years of Future Supported by ICT
Envisioning the Future: A Human Communication Research Perspective Sumaru NIIDA Tomoyasu KOMORI Shinji SAKO Akihiro TANAKA Kiyohiko NUNOKAWA
No.11 Special Issue on Recent Advances in Post-quantum Cryptography
Issues for the Transition to Post-quantum Cryptography Tadahiko ITO
Security in the Era of Quantum Computers: Developments in Post-quantum Cryptography Tsuyoshi TAKAGI
No.5 Special Issue on Future Perspective of Non-terrestrial Networks
Open AccessResearch and Development of Key Technologies for Achieving Space Integrated Computing Network【Topical Article】 Fumihiro YAMASHITA Shigehiro HORI
High-speed Underwater Wireless Communication Brought about by Underwater Optics:Prospects for Undersea Optical Applications Shojiro ISHIBASHI
No.11 Special Issue on State-of-the-art Si Photonics Technologies for Optical Fiber Communication
Advances in Quantum Dot Lasers Integrated on Silicon Jinkwan KWOEN Yasutomo OTA Satoshi IWAMOTO Yasuhiko ARAKAWA
Optical I/O Core Business Initiatives Utilizing Silicon Photonics Technology Kazuhiko KURATA
No.5 Special Issue on How Has Deep Learning Changed Research on Information and Systems?
Impacts of Deep Learning to Robotics and Future Perspective Tetsuya OGATA
No.11 Special Issue on Machine Learning with Quantum Computation
Efficient Simulation of Quantum Computing Yasunari SUZUKI
Latest Trend on Noisy Quantum Computers Takashi IMAMICHI
No.5 Special Issue on 6G Technologies towards Super Smart Society
Wireless Communications Merging with Photonics Toshihiko NISHIMURA
Takanori SATO
Yasutaka OGAWA
No.11 Special Issue on Current Status of Research and Applications of Optical Frequency Comb
Solid-state Optical Frequency Comb Yohei KOBAYASHI Shota KIMURA
Optical Frequency Comb with Optical Microresonator Takasumi TANABE Shun FUJII Koshiro WADA Yasuhiro KAKINUMA
Application of Optical Frequency Comb to Astronomy Hajime INABA Feng-Lei HONG Hideyuki IZUMIURA
No.11 5G to Take off Soon; What Will Change in the New Communication Society?
5G Trial in the Pyeongchang Olympic Games Misun AHN Jemin CHUNG Jaeyeon PARK Wang Sung CHUN Jongsik LEE Jinhan KIM