


[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Tri-/Broad-Band Matching Techniques for 3-dB Branch-Line Couplers

Sadami Tanigawa,  Kunihiko Hayashi,  Takao Fujii,  Isao OHTA,  Tadashi Kawai,  

[Paper #]MW2007-12
A Design Method of Lumped-Element Wilkison Power Dividers Using LC-Ladder Circuits

Tadashi KAWAI,  Yasuaki NAKASHIMA,  Yoshihiro KOKUBO,  Isao OHTA,  

[Paper #]MW2007-13
Microwave Band Bagley Polygon Multi-Way Power Dividers

Iwata SAKAGAMI,  Tuya WUREN,  Minoru TAHARA,  Masafumi FUJII,  

[Paper #]MW2007-14
SR Direct Etching of PTFE and Fabrication of Millimeter-Wave PTFE Waveguide : Utilizing Beam Line, BL2 of 1.5 Gev Synchrotron Facility "New SUBARU"

Mitsuyoshi KISHIHARA,  Yoshiaki UKITA,  Shigeaki YAMAMOTO,  Yuichi UTSUMI,  Isao OHTA,  

[Paper #]MW2007-15
Temperature Dependence Measurement of Complex Permittivity of Dielectric Bars Using TM_<0m0> Mode Cylindrical Cavity

Hiroshi NAKAI,  Yoshio KOBAYASHI,  Fumio SUZUKI,  Zhewang MA,  

[Paper #]MW2007-16
Effective Permittivity of the Two-Dimensional Conductor-Array

Tohru Iwai,  Shinnichiro Yamamoto,  Kennichi Hatakeyama,  Satoru Aikawa,  

[Paper #]MW2007-17
RF-MEMS Reflection-TyPe Tunable BPF

Tamotsu NISHINO,  Yusuke KITSUKAWA,  Sang-Seok LEE,  Hiromoto INOUE,  Yukihisa YOSHIDA,  Moriyasu MIYAZAKI,  

[Paper #]MW2007-18
Characteristics of L-ShaPed Vertical Strip Line Radiator at 60GH

Futoshi KUROKI,  Makoto OKIYOKOTA,  

[Paper #]MW2007-19
High Permittivity Tape Transmission Line Embedded in Low Dielectric Support at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies

Futoshi KUROKI,  Ryo-ji TAMARU,  

[Paper #]MW2007-20
Input and Output Circuits of an FET for Efficient Generation of Second Harmonic Outputs

Takehiro KISHIDA,  Minoru SANAGI,  Shingo TAKAHASHI,  Kazuhiro FUJIMORI,  Shigeji NOGI,  

[Paper #]MW2007-21
Left-Handed Behavior of Ferrite Waveguide Mode Below Cutoff

Kensuke OKUBO,  Makoto TSUTSUMI,  

[Paper #]MW2007-22
A 5GHz-band SiGe-MMIC Transceiver for 324Mbps Transmission

Hiro-omi UEDA,  Kensuke NAKAJIMA,  Gakushi KANAZAWA,  Mitsuhiro SHIMOZAWA,  Jun KOIDE,  Mikio UESUGI,  Ryosuke TAKEUCHI,  Noriharu SUEMATSU,  Yoji ISOTA,  Suguru KAMEDA,  Hiroyuki NAKASE,  Tadashi TAKAGI,  Kazuo TSUBOUCHI,  

[Paper #]MW2007-23
Suspended Coupled Balun for Micro-Wave Band using Multi-Layer Liquid Crystal Polymer Substrate

Futoshi TAKEUCHI,  Suguru KAMEDA,  Hiroyuki NAKASE,  Tadashi TAKAGI,  Kazuo TSUBOUCHI,  

[Paper #]MW2007-24
Simultaneous 3rd-and-5th-Order Intermodulation Compensation of a 2GHz Band Power Amplifier by using Cuber Predistortion and 2nd Harmonics Injection

Hiroshi MATSUBARA,  Kazuhiro ISHIHARA,  Norihisa MIYADAI,  Toshio NOJIMA,  

[Paper #]MW2007-25
Parameter Extraction or Microwave Resonators in Time Domain

Ikuo AWAI,  Tetsuya ISHIDA,  Takeshi SUZUKI,  Yangjun ZHANG,  

[Paper #]MW2007-26
Proposal of scaling law for unloaded Q of microwave resonators and its empirical verification

Ikuo Awai,  Taichi Nishimura,  

[Paper #]MW2007-27
Studies on a Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna Using a Conducting Textile Fabric and its Wearable Application

Tatsuhito YOSHIDA,  Hitoshi SHIMASAKI,  Masahiro AKIYAMA,  

[Paper #]MW2007-28
Study on the Transmission Characteristics of a Tapered Dielectric Waveguide using a Modal Analysis Technique with Electromagnetic Field Simulators

Masashi YANAGASE,  Yoshinori KOGAMI,  Hidehiko YODA,  Kazuo SHIRAISHI,  Youhei ISHIKAWA,  

[Paper #]MW2007-29
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