Information and Systems-Educational Technology(Date:2004/10/09)



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A Trial of Peer Assessment for Self-introduction Sentences in Information Literacy

Isao MIYAJI,  

[Paper #]ET2004-36
The Practice and Learning Effects of Education by Blending of Lecture and E-Learning

Isao MIYAJI,  Huaping YAO,  Kouji YOSHIDA,  

[Paper #]ET2004-37
A Study on the Education of the Unification of Mathematics, Science and Engineering

Atsushi Kawakami,  

[Paper #]ET2004-38
Classification and Comparison of characteristics of difference indices between a pair of graphs that are applied to Logical Flow Test analysis

Makoto TAKEYA,  Nobuaki YASUGI,  

[Paper #]ET2004-39
Development of Blended Learning System in Linux Lesson

Kazuhiro NAKADA,  Tomonori AKUTSU,  Chris WALTON,  Satoru FUJII,  Hiroshi ICHIMURA,  Kouji YOSHIDA,  

[Paper #]ET2004-40
A trial of problem understanding support of the computer literacy lesson using Flash animation

Tomonori AKUTSU,  Kazuhiro NAKADA,  Kunihiro YAMADA,  Shunichirou NAKAMURA,  Isao MIYAJI,  Kouji YOSHIDA,  

[Paper #]ET2004-41
A Study on an Automated Generation Method of Standard Copybook on Penmanship and Calligraphy

Junpei HORITA,  Naohiko KOBAYASHI,  Takashi YAMAOKA,  Masato SUZUKI,  Seiu YAMASHITA,  Hiroshi ICHIMURA,  

[Paper #]ET2004-42
Classification of Practical Method to Improve Teaching Abilities toward IT Integrated Class

Tatsuya HORITA,  Yasutaka SHIMIZU,  

[Paper #]ET2004-43
A study of a WEB-based educational service support system for lectures and exercises in universities


[Paper #]ET2004-44
Japanese Learning System for Chinese Native Speakers : Development of Database for Learning Kanji Which Have Different Meaning between Chinese and Japanese

Sa LU,  Naoko YAMASHITA,  Toshihiro HAYASHI,  Toshinori YAMASAKI,  

[Paper #]ET2004-45
An Experiment on The Readability And So on of a PC Display


[Paper #]ET2004-46
Human-friendly handwritten drawing capturing system for educational use : Video tablet based on stereo camera

Makoto MORIYA,  Hiroyuki TOMINAGA,  Toshihiro HAYASHI,  Toshinori YAMASAKI,  

[Paper #]ET2004-47
Learning Effectiveness of Two Type e-Learning Courses for Linux Basic Skills

Minoru NAKAYAMA,  Nobuo YAMAZAKI,  Toru YAMAMOTO,  Kenji ETO,  Shin'ichi KATO,  Yasutaka SHIMIZU,  

[Paper #]ET2004-48
An Estimation of understaning of students in our experiment-course based on a Questionnaire by means of a logic programming

Fumiko KOUDA,  Koji WATANABE,  Tetsuji ODA,  

[Paper #]ET2004-49
Fostering "Bulletin Board Literacy" through Communication with Supporters outside the School

Satoshi MIYATA,  Hideyuki SUZUKI,  

[Paper #]ET2004-50
The Effect of Repetitive Learning of a Computer Program

Fumio KAJIURA,  

[Paper #]ET2004-51


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