Communication-Network Systems(Date:2001/07/11)



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[Paper #]
Field Evaluation Results of Digital Train Radio Systems(1) : Frequency Reuse and Beat Interference

Katsuhiro Yoshida,  Yoshihisa Nishimura,  Tetsuya Abe,  Yoshio Oshima,  Hiroshi Kubo,  Takeshi Uraguchi,  Akihiro Okazaki,  Kazuo Tanada,  Yamazaki Shigeru /,  Kenzo Tago,  Jun Taniguchi,  

[Paper #]NS2001-61,RCS2001-62
Field Evaluation Results of Digital Train Radio Systems(2) : Transmission Time Diversity and Mitigation of Beat Interference

Katsuhiro Yoshida,  Yoshihisa Nishimura,  Tetsuya Abe,  Yoshio Oshima,  Hiroshi Kubo,  Takeshi Uraguchi,  Akihiro Okazaki,  Kazuo Tanada,  Yamazaki Shigeru /,  Kenzo Tago,  Jun Taniguchi,  

[Paper #]NS2001-62,RCS2001-63
Self-similarities in Delay Time of CDMA Cellular Packet Systems under Various Conditions

Kazuo MORI,  Hirotoshi HIDAKA,  Takehiko KOBAYASHI,  Tomotaka NAGAOSA,  Hideo KOBAYASHI,  

[Paper #]NS2001-63,RCS2001-64
Teletraffic Characteristics of Mobile Packet Communication Networks Considering Self-Similarity in Terminal Cell Dwell Time

Hirotoshi HIDAKA,  Kazuyoshi SAITOH,  Noriteru SHINAGAWA,  Takehiko KOBAYASHI,  

[Paper #]NS2001-64,RCS2001-65
A New Distributed TDMA Algorithm Assigning Slots Transmitting in Parallel

Makoto KOBARA,  Hiroshi MATSUNO,  

[Paper #]NS2001-65,RCS2001-66
A Design Method of Logical Topology with Considering Available Wave-bands on Each Fiber

Yukinobu Fukushima,  Shin'ichi Arakawa,  Masayuki Murata,  Hideo Miyahara,  

[Paper #]NS2001-66,RCS2001-67
Rate Control of TCP Congestion Control using ECN Mechanism

Akira Nagata,  Takahiro Matsuda,  Miki Yamamoto,  

[Paper #]NS2001-67,RCS2001-68
Approximate Analysis of MAC Protocol with Multiple Self-tokens in a Slotted Ring

Makoto Sakuta,  Iwao Sasase,  

[Paper #]NS2001-68,RCS2001-69
Software Implementation of the HomeMAC:QoS-Aware MAC Protocol for the Home Network

Won-Joo Hwang,  Hideki Tode,  Koso Murakami,  

[Paper #]NS2001-69,RCS2001-70
Bandwidth management method for IP datagram transport network

Takahiro Oishi,  Masaaki Omotani,  Kohei Shiomoto,  

[Paper #]NS2001-70,RCS2001-71
Waiting Time versus Utility to Download Images and its Application to Priority Control

Kazutomo NOMURA,  Kyoko YAMORI,  Eiji TAKAHASHI,  Takumi MIYOSHI,  Yoshiaki TANAKA,  

[Paper #]NS2001-71,RCS2001-72
An Experimental Study of QoS Policy-based Networking Depending on User ID Information

Mitsunori HIRAYA,  Shinji TSUZUKI,  Yoshio YAMADA,  Saburo TAZAKI,  

[Paper #]NS2001-72,RCS2001-73
A Study on Cost Evaluation of Cable and Wireless Hybrid Access Networks for Rural Residential Areas

Takeshi ABE,  Jun SASAKI,  Takashi MITSUISHI,  Yutaka FUNYU,  

[Paper #]NS2001-73,RCS2001-74
Needs Research for Life-Zone-Network Services and Estimation of Telecommunication Traffic in a Rural Residential Area

Takushi Nakano,  Jun Sasaki,  Takashi Mitsuishi,  Yutaka Funyu,  

[Paper #]NS2001-74,RCS2001-75
Study of RouteOptimization based on Hierarchical Mobile IPv6

Hideaki Ono,  Ryuichi Takechi,  Akiko Tamai,  Keiichi Nakatsugawa,  Tsuguo Kato,  Kazuyuki Oka,  

[Paper #]NS2001-75,RCS2001-76
Resource-aware seamless service architecture

Yoko KIKUTA,  Kenji SAKAMOTO,  Tsutomu YOKOYAMA,  Kenichi YAMAZAKI,  Masami YABUSAKI,  

[Paper #]NS2001-76,RCS2001-77
The streaming technology and the standadizaiton activity on the 3^ generation mobile communication network.

Koji Imura,  Daiji Ido,  Yutaka Machida,  Takeshi Yukitake,  

[Paper #]NS2001-77,RCS2001-78


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