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 The Technical Committee 50th Anniversary Specials

The committee celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2010. Invited Memorial talks and panel discussion were promoted in most of workshops in 2010. All invited speakers have great contribution to or some connection with the committee a half century.

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Date Place Workshop 50th Anniversary Special Invited Talks
July 8-9,
Yoron Is., Kagoshima CS [Memorial Lectures and Panel Discussion]
Prof. Tomonori Aoyama (Keio Univ.):
"Looking back 50 years ago, and looking ahead 50 years after!"
Dr. Toshitaka Tsuda (Fujitsu Labs.):
"Consideration on reviatalizing Japanese ICT industry"
Dr. Shigeki Suyama (NEC):
"To Realize an Information Society Friendly to Humans and the Earth"
Prof. Shigeo Tsujii (Chuo Univ.):
"Electronic Government from the View Point of Service Science -- Overcoming two Contradicting Insecurity of Citizens --"
Chair: Prof. Hiromi Ueda (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.)
Sep. 2-3,
Tohoku Univ. CS, NS, IN [Memorial Lecture]
Prof. Tetsuya Miki (UEC):
"50 Years of Communication System Research: The path to brouadband communications"
Nov. 10-12,
Kagaya, Ishikawa CS, CSWS [Memorial Lecture]
Prof. Hiroyuki Kasai (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.):
"Development Experiences of World-Top Transmission Systems"
Dec, 2-3
Nagoya Univ. CS, IE, BCT, AVM [Memorial Lecture]
Speaker: Prof. Masayuki Tanimoto (Nagoya Univ.)
"Realizing the Ultimate Visual Communication"
Jan. 27-28,
Univ. of Tokushima CS, OCS [Memorial Lecture]
Speaker: Dr. Kazuo Hagimoto (NTT)
"Trials of ICT; by means of Lightwave"
March 3-4,
Ohhama Nobumoto Memorial Hall, Okinawa CS, CAS, SIP [Memorial Lecture]
Speaker: Prof. Hidemitsu Ogawa (Tokyo Univ. and Graduate School of Social Welfare)
"Sampling Theory and Principle of Science"

 Photos of the Panel Discussion and Memorial Lectures

Invited Memorial Lectures and Panel Discussion at Yoron Island
Prof. Tomonori Aoyama (Keio Univ.), Dr. Toshitaka Tsuda (Fujitsu Labs.), Dr. Shigeki Suyama (NEC), Prof. Shigeo Tsujii (Chuo Univ.), and Prof. Hiromi Ueda as chairman

Invited Memorial Lecture at Tohoku University
Prof. Tetsuya Miki (Univ. of Electro-Communications)

Invited Memorial Lecture at Kagaya Hotel
Prof. Hiroyuki Kasai (Tokyo Univ. of Tech.)

Invited Memorial Lecture at Nagoya University
Prof. Masayuki Tanimoto (Nagoya Univ.)

Invited Memorial Lecture at the University of Tokushima
Dr. Kazuo Hagimoto (NTT)

Invited Memorial Lecture at Ishigaki Island
Prof. Hidemitsu Ogawa (Tokyo Univ. and Graduate School of Social Welfare)

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