Information and Systems-Software Science(Date:1994/04/06)



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Thermal Management for Outdoor Airtight Cabinet

Osamu Ibaragi,  Mitsuru Takaya,  

[Paper #]SSE94-23,IN94-23
A Study on Function Test Methods for ATM Switching Systems

Arat Itoh,  Noriharu Miyaho,  

[Paper #]SSE94-24,IN94-24
Call Recovery for Decentralized Communication Systems

Makoto Takano,  Hiroyasu Ono,  Isao Saito,  Katsumi Fujita,  

[Paper #]SSE94-25,IN94-25
A Study of Applying TMN for a Distributed Switching Node

Kiyoshi Ueda,  Hisayoshi Inamori,  Hiroshi Sunaga,  

[Paper #]SSE94-26,IN94-26
ATM Dynamic Routing Control System based on Recurrent Neural Network

Yoshinobu Meifu,  Shinmi Hatori,  

[Paper #]SSE94-27,IN94-27
Advanced signalling for ATM multimedia communication-Par 1. Signalling function and their realization

Takumi Ohba,  Shin-chi Kuribayashi,  

[Paper #]SSE94-28,IN94-28
An Evaluation of an ATM Self-Healing Algorithm

Hiroyuki Saito,  Miroslaw M. Slominski,  Hiroyuki Okazaki,  

[Paper #]SSE94-29,IN94-29
An ATM-LAN based on the CSIA concept

Yasuro Shobatake,  

[Paper #]SSE94-30,IN94-30
Internetworking Methodology using ATM Networks

Takeshi Saito,  Shigeo Matsuzawa,  Hiroshi Esaki,  

[Paper #]SSE94-31,IN94-31
A study on high-speed connectionless data communication

Takeshi Kawasaki,  Joei Kamoi,  Akira Hakata,  

[Paper #]SSE94-32,IN94-32
Dynamic Channel Assignment Methods Considering CIR with Cell Structure

Masaru Ishii,  Keisuke Nakano,  Hiroshi Tamura,  Masakazu Sengoku,  Yoshio Yamaguchi,  

[Paper #]SSE94-33,IN94-33
A Consideration on an Information Visualization System for Telecommunication Network

Seiji Isobe,  Masashi Yamamuro,  Gengo Suzuki,  

[Paper #]SSE94-34,IN94-34
Traffic Simulation using Supercomputer (II)

Yoshiaki Tanaka,  Takeshi Tomochika,  

[Paper #]SSE94-35,IN94-35
Automatic Layout System for Indoor Radio Base Stations using Spatial Reasoning

Hiroshi Yoshiura,  Makoto Hirosawa,  Noboru Mizuhara,  Mikiya Naemura,  

[Paper #]SSE94-36,IN94-36
Automated Synthesis of Protocol Specifications from Service Specifications with Parallely Execatable Multiple Primitives

Masahide Nakamura,  Yoshiaki Kakuda,  Tohru Kikuno,  

[Paper #]SSE94-37,IN94-37
Network Load Control System by Distributed and Cooperative Induction Agents

Takatoshi Yonezawa,  Shimmi Hattori,  

[Paper #]SSE94-38,IN94-38


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