Electronics-Electron Devices(Date:1993/09/17)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Analysis of Propagation Delay Time for Double-gate SOI-MOSFETs Based on a Scaling Theory

Yoshiharu Tosaka,  Kunihiro Suzuki,  Toshihiro Sugii,  

[Paper #]ED93-86,SDM93-100,VLD93-41
Unified physical models for device simulation of MOSFET′s and BJT′ s

Naoyuki Shigyo,  Noritoshi Konishi,  Kazumi Nishinohara,  Hiroyoshi Tanimoto,  

[Paper #]ED93-87,SDM93-101,VLD93-42
Analysis of degrading mechanisms at high current densities in highly scaled SiGe-base HBT′s.

Mamoru Ugajin,  Hong Ghy-Boong,  Jerry Fossum,  

[Paper #]ED93-88,SDM93-102,VLD93-43
Observation,analysis and modeling of electronic chaos in Si thyristor

Koichiro Hoh,  Yoh Yasuda,  

[Paper #]ED93-89,SDM93-103,VLD93-44
Parallel Calculation of Monte Carlo Device Simulation

Kazuki Shigeta,  Toshiyuki Nakata,  Takahiro Iizuka,  Haruo Katoh,  

[Paper #]ED93-90,SDM93-104,VLD93-45
Evaluation of Shockley Model Using Monte Carlo AlGaAs/InGaAs HJFET Simulator

Walter Contrata,  Masaaki Kuzuhara,  Yuji Ando,  Norihiko Samoto,  

[Paper #]ED93-91,SDM93-105,VLD93-46
Carrier-Blocking Effects in HBTs with Insulating External Conectors and Design Criteria for Conector-up HBTs

Akio Nakatani,  Kazushige Horio,  

[Paper #]ED93-92,SDM93-106,VLD93-47
Two-dimensional simulation of resonant tunneling transistor using guantum distributed model

Hideaki Taniyama,  Masaaki Tomizawa,  Akira Yoshii,  

[Paper #]ED93-93,SDM93-107,VLD93-48
Transmission Matrix Approach for Electron Transport in Inversion Layers

Mahesh Bhagnat Patil,  Yutaka Okuyama,  Yasuyuki Ohkura,  Toru Toyabe,  Shigeo Ihara,  

[Paper #]ED93-94,SDM93-108,VLD93-49
The numerical analysis of the sheet electron density dependent mobility in n-GaAs heavily doped channels

Yasuyuki Ohkura,  Hiroshi Mizuta,  Isao Ohbu,  Osamu Kagaya,  Kozo Katayama,  Shigeo Ihara,  

[Paper #]ED93-95,SDM93-109,VLD93-50


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