Communication-Communication Quality(Date:2011/07/07)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Possibility of Value Creation by Linking Virtual and Real World

Naofumi AOKI,  

[Paper #]CQ2011-18
Effect of Limited Bandwidth on Auditory Presence and Spatial Impression

Takashi TANIGUCHI,  Satoshi OODE,  Akio ANDO,  

[Paper #]CQ2011-19
A Haptic Perception Model of Mechanical Properties (3)

Hitoshi OHNISHI,  Kaname MOCHIZUKI,  

[Paper #]CQ2011-20
Questionnaire Survey of Students and Influence of Smell Space Size in Remote Ikebana System Using Olfactory and Haptic Media

Pingguo HUANG,  Yutaka ISHIBASHI,  Norishige FUKUSHIMA,  Shinji SUGAWARA,  

[Paper #]CQ2011-21
QoE Real-Time Estimation of Multi-View Video and Audio (MVV-A) IP Transmission by Application-Level QoS Parameters of Video

Toshiro NUNOME,  Shuji TASAKA,  

[Paper #]CQ2011-22
Quality estimation model for stereoscopic video services

Kazuhisa Yamagishi,  Lina Karam,  Jun Okamoto,  

[Paper #]CQ2011-23
Visualizing Future Activity of Technical Committee on Communication Quality

Masatsugu KITAMURA,  

[Paper #]CQ2011-24
Energy Efficient Network Control Using Node Utilization Estimation

Yusuke SHINOHARA,  Yasunobu CHIBA,  Hideyuki SHIMONISHI,  

[Paper #]CQ2011-25
Campus VLAN system based on OpenFlow

Yasuhiro YAMASAKI,  Junichi YAMATO,  Yoshinori MIYAMOTO,  Hideaki GOTO,  Hideaki SONE,  

[Paper #]CQ2011-26
Traffic Analysis Considering Channel Zapping on P2P Video Delivery Service

Yuko NAKAMURA,  Takumi MIYOSHI,  Olivier FOURMAUX,  

[Paper #]CQ2011-27
Basic analysis of a directivity controllable antenna for 3D space search robot communications

Koichi GYODA,  Yasushi HADA,  

[Paper #]CQ2011-28
Proposal of packets collision avoidance schemes for multicast transmission on wireless LANs


[Paper #]CQ2011-29
Decentralised Communication in Autonomous Agent Swarms

Dimitri PERRIN,  Hiroyuki OHSAKI,  

[Paper #]CQ2011-30


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Notice for Photocopying


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