[AP-NET 1633] 2024年IEICE総合大会(AP研・AP-S共同企画) IEEE AP-S特別セッション開催のプログラムの一部変更のお知らせ

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2024年IEICE総合大会(AP研・AP-S共同企画) IEEE AP-S特別セッションに関する情報をお知らせいたします.

2024年IEICE総合大会(AP研・AP-S共同企画) IEEE AP-S
(IEEE AP-S MGA Special Session on Emerging Techniques for Antennas and
Radiating Systems)

IEEE AP-S とアンテナ・伝播研究会との共同企画によるセッション(3/5午後)ですが,
Kamal Sarabandi先生(ミシガン大学)に来ていただくことになり,


3月5日(火) 13:45-17:00 @広島大学工学部116教室


・座長 Kunio Sakakibara, Takeshi Fukusako
①Nader Behdad (University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A.)
Switched-Mode, Non-LTI, Electrically Small Transmitting Antennas for
Overcoming the Fundamental Bandwidth-Efficiency Product Limits

②[変更]Kamal Sarabandi (University of Michigan, U.S.A)
Full-Wave Estimation of Long Range Wave Propagation Statistics in Rain
at MMW Frequencies

③Debatosh Guha (University of Calcutta, India)
Defected Ground Structure – A Versatile Technique for Improved Antenna Design –

④Ramakrishna Janaswamy (University of Massachusetts, U.S.A. )
Elaboration of Characteristic Mode Theory for Conducting and Penetrable Bodies

題目: Full-Wave Estimation of Long Range Wave Propagation Statistics in
Rain at MMW Frequencies

講演者:Prof. Kamal Sarabandi (University of Michigan, U.S.A)

概要:The problem of electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in random
media composed of a heterogeneous mixture of different scattering
particles in a background medium is encountered in many practical
Scattering and propagation of light through fog or murky water are
familiar examples of such problems. The scattering and absorption by
the particles are responsible for the wave attenuation and the
scattering alone is responsible the wave phase front aberration and
the field spatial fluctuation. The scattering phenomenon becomes
important as the size of the constituent particles become comparable
or larger than the wavelength. In this talk we consider the problem of
EM wave propagation and scattering in rain at millimeter-wave (MMW)
part of the spectrum because of its importance in radar remote sensing
of precipitation as well as the emerging MMW 5G and 6G communication
and the use of MMW radars for autonomous vehicles. The analysis of EM
wave interaction with rain as a random medium is important since at
MMW band, the size of the rain particles are comparable to the
wavelength which can result in considerable scattering. Knowing the
specific statistical characteristics of wave propagation such the
attenuation rate through rain enables more accurate link budget
planning for communication and radar systems. Also information about
the statistics of the phase and amplitude fluctuations of the waves in
rain enables better performance analyses of antenna arrays used in
communication and radar systems.
Analytical models based on single scattering theory are inadequate for
the prediction of long range wave propagation characteristics in such
media, as the effect of multiple scattering among particles become
important. To account for the effects of multiple scattering a
full-wave simulation must be considered which is quite challenging
considering the size of the computational domain. Considering the fact
that the statistical nature of the wave propagation properties, as
opposed to exact field quantities for a specific medium configuration,
is of desire, a novel computational model based on S-matrix is
developed. The attributes of the S-matrix method are as follows: 1) it
is based on full-wave analysis, 2) it is applicable to dense or sparse
random media,
3) it tracks the polarization of the wave along the propagation, 4) it
tracks phase aberration to the phase front needed for assessing the
performance of coherent imaging systems such as SAR or MIMO radar
operating in random media, 5) it can be used for any random media with
arbitrary shaped scatters. In the presentation, the formulation for
the S-matrix method and its application for predicting the attenuation
rate and wave fluctuation statistics will be presented. The model is
validated by comparing the simulation results with the existing
attenuation rate measurements reported in the literature.


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