[AP-NET 1438] APMC2022(6/17投稿〆切)のご案内


アジアマイクロ波国際会議2022 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC
2022) が本年11月29日-12月2日に、横浜で開催いたします。


[Call for Papers] apmc2022.org/pdf/apmc2022_2ndCFP.pdf
[投稿サイト] apmc2022.org/b/papersubmission.html


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to submit research articles to the 2022
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2022) which will be held at
Yokohama, Japan on 29th November to 2nd December 2022.
Microwave exhibition will be held at the same venue. The steering
committee is monitoring the COVID-19 situation and will consider
hybrid or online format if required.
APMC 2022 will provide a broad forum for participants from both
academia and industries to exchange information, share research
results, and discuss collaborations in the fields of microwave,
millimeter wave, terahertz wave, and even to the far infrared and
optical waves.

*** Call for Paper!
Please refer to: apmc2022.org/pdf/apmc2022_2ndCFP.pdf
– The paper submission site:

Paper submission due: Jun. 17th, 2022
Notification of acceptance: Aug. 31st, 2022
Final manuscript submission due: Sep. 21st, 2022

For more information, please visit our website:
and follow our twitter account: @pr_apmc2022

This conference is organized and sponsored by the Institute of
Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), IEEE
MTT-S, IEEE AP-S, EuMA, IEEE MTT-S Japan/Kansai/Nagoya Chapters,
IEICE Technical Committee on Microwaves, Simulation Technology,
Electron Devices, Antennas and Propagation, Japan Society of
Electromagnetic Wave Energy Applications, IEEJ Investigating R&D
Committee on Innovative Advanced Application Technology of
Electromagnetic Waves in the 5G/Beyond 5G, and will be technically
co-sponsored by ULSI, IEICE Technical Committee on Microwave
Photonics, Wireless Power Transfer, and Japan Institute of
Electronics Packaging.

Yoshinori Kogami
Steering Committee Chair, APMC 2022


A・P研幹事団 ap_ac-secretary(a)mail.ieice.org