[AP-NET 1301] 電子情報通信学会 英文論文誌B ISAP2020小特集論文募集案内(投稿締め切り:6月15日)

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Recent Progress in Antennas and Propagation in Conjunction with Main Topics
of ISAP2020

Dear ISAP2020 Authors,

On behalf of the ISAP2020 Technical Program Committee, I would like to
express my sincere gratitude to your contributions to the symposium.

This symposium was an excellent platform for all of us to witness and share
the status of antennas and propagation field having more than 400 papers.

I hope you had a productive and rewarding experiences online.

ISAP2020 presenters are invited to submit manuscripts for two possible
publications in the IEICE.

(The special section seeks for submission particularly from, but not limited
to, the authors of ISAP2020.)

Please see details of the call for papers below.

>> For Papers

Special Section in the IEICE Trans. on Communications

Submission deadline: June 15, 2021

Call for Papers: www.ieice.org/eng/s_issue/cfp/2022_6EB.pdf

Hiroyoshi Yamada

Technical Program Committee Chair, ISAP2020
