Information and Systems-Educational Technology(Date:2013/11/15)



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Analysis of behaviors by students and page transition

Eiji WATANABE,  Takashi OZEKI,  Takeshi KOHAMA,  

[Paper #]ET2013-57
Practical Issue of Introducing the LMS for Individualized Instruction

Masashi Katsumata,  

[Paper #]ET2013-58
Proposal of E-Learning System to Analyze Understanding-level of Basic IT Skills for Overcoming Students Weak Points

Fuki TAKAHASHI,  Kazuhiko SATO,  

[Paper #]ET2013-59
A Programming Learning Base System for Support Tools Utilizing Learning History

Akio OHASHI,  Kaname NOZAKI,  Yuki ITO,  Yasuhiko MORIMOTO,  Shoichi NAKAMURA,  Youzou MIYADERA,  

[Paper #]ET2013-60
Development of XML Metadata Editor for the Generation Framework of Dynamic Web Information Retrieval Interface

Manabu KITAMURA,  Kazuki SENGOKU,  Akihiro YAMAZAKI,  Akira MORIYA,  Kazuhiko SATO,  

[Paper #]ET2013-61
Implementation of Dynamic Generating Method for Web Information Retrieval Interface Using XML Metadata

Kazuki SENGOKU,  Manabu KITAMURA,  Akihiro YAMAZAKI,  Akira MORIYA,  Kazuhiko SATO,  

[Paper #]ET2013-62
Associative Search of Lecture Movie Segments Using Speech Recognition Technology

Yoshitomo YAGINUMA,  

[Paper #]ET2013-63
An examination of the effectiveness of problem-posing with presenting examples in a programming class

Shinya SHIMADA,  Yuutaro AOKI,  Hisayoshi KUNIMUNE,  Masaaki NIIMURA,  

[Paper #]ET2013-64
An Operational Method of Tabular Forms Considering Semantic Structures

Lina Zhang,  Hiroyuki Aoki,  Yasuhiko Morimoto,  Shoichi Nakamura,  Youzou Miyadera,  

[Paper #]ET2013-65
Development of Retrieval System of Related Literatures for Supporting Research Study

Yoshinobu ANDO,  Takuya KAMIIINO,  Kazuhiko SATO,  

[Paper #]ET2013-66
Design of Methods for Extracting the E-mail Discussion Processes Considering Diversity of Response Granularity

Hiroki NAKAYAMA,  Ryo ONUMA,  Hiroaki Kaminaga,  Youzou MIYADERA,  Setsuo YOKOYAMA,  Shoichi NAKAMURA,  

[Paper #]ET2013-67


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Notice for Photocopying


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