Human Communication Group-Human Information Processing(Date:2006/11/30)



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[Paper #]
Visual-Tactile interaction in motion perception

Hiroshi USHIODA,  Yuichi WADA,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-67
Grasp Quality Measures Using a Musculoskeletal Model

Fumihito KYOTA,  Tomoyuki WATABE,  Suguru SAITO,  Masayuki NAKAJIMA,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-68
The Effect of Cross-Hand Position on a Stimulus-Response Compatibility Task in a Patient with Left Parietal Lobe Damage

Chiharu NIKI,  Takashi MARUYAMA,  Yoshihiro MURAGAKI,  Takatsune KUMADA,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-69
Effects of auditory information on tactile roughness perception

Yuika SUZUKI,  Miho SUZUKI,  Jiro GYOBA,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-70
Preference-based Representation of Data Relation and Paired-Data Generation : Case Study of Color Presentation System


[Paper #]HIP2006-71
Development of environmental audio-visual corpus with fixed point observations and its application to experiment on evaluation of temporal change in impressions of environments

Eisuke ODASHIMA,  Koji ABE,  Shouichi TAKANE,  Sojun SATO,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-72
The emotional effect on RSVP task by Japanese words : A MEG study

Haruhiko SAWADA,  Kei MATSUMOTO,  Toshihide IMARUOKA,  Toru SHIOTANI,  Masao OHMI,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-73
Patterns for Holding and Handling Chopsticks : Applied the Kamakura's Analysis

Mayumi NAKADA,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-74
NeuroRehabilitation for Chronic Pain, Guided by Visual Experiences

Masahiko SUMITANI,  Masahiko SHIBATA,  Takashi MASHIMO,  Satoru MIYAUCHI,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-75
Representation of bodily self and others in the brain

Akira MURATA,  Hiroaki ISHIDA,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-76
Copycat hand : robot hand control with hand posture estimation with high-speed processing at high accuracy

Kiyoshi HOSHINO,  Emi Tamaki,  Tananobu Tanimoto,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-77
Relationship between delicious-looking feelings and visual features of cakes

Mitsue IKEDA,  Kazunori SHIDOJI,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-78
Delicious-looking evaluations on apples

Kentaro NAGAMURA,  Kazunori SHIDOJI,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-79
An illusion in visual weight estimation of cut food

Yuji WADA,  Daisuke TSUZUKI,  Naoki KOBAYASHI,  Fumiyo HAYAKAWA,  Kaoru KOHYAMA,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-80
Psychophysiological responses to infant crying : Comparison of group of women in different maternal stress

Yuri TAKAHASHI,  Takahiro KIRITA,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-81
On change in direction of sound images by the Precedence Effect with two sound sources located in horizontal plane

Daisuke SUNADA,  Koji ABE,  Shouichi TAKANE,  Sojun SATO,  

[Paper #]HIP2006-82
The effect of irregular interruption on the auditory continuity illusion


[Paper #]HIP2006-83
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