Human Communication Group-Human Information Processing(Date:1997/01/24)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Recognition of Hand Shapes with Neural Networks


[Paper #]HIP96-25
A Study of Geometric Illusions and Global Geometry of Visual Space Using a Displacement Neural Networks with Lateral Inhibitory

Yasuhiko MIYATA,  Shin'ichi YOSHIDA,  Jinhui CHAO,  

[Paper #]HIP96-26
A Mathematical Model of Visual Attention

Teruyoshi Washizawa,  

[Paper #]HIP96-27
A characteristic of visual search on two bounding lines

Kazushi MURAKOSHI,  Tadashi KURATA,  

[Paper #]HIP96-28
A Method for Estimating Vigilance Levels by Eye Movements


[Paper #]HIP96-29
Analysis of Figure Perception Mechanism by means of Geometrical Optical Illusion

Sachiko MISHIMA,  Minoru YASUDA,  

[Paper #]HIP96-30
Relation between Orthostereoscopic Conditions and Subjective Size, Distance for 3-D Hivision images

H Yamanoue,  M Nagayama,  M Bitou,  J Tanada,  

[Paper #]HIP96-31
Two types of visual motion and their effects on human posture control

Nicolas Robin,  Hiroshi Asida,  Hirohiko Kaneko,  Frans A.J. Verstraten,  Shuichi Ojima,  

[Paper #]HIP96-32
Extraction and Removal Region of Eyeglasses Flame for Facial Images with Eyeglasses

Yasuyuki SAITO,  Kazunori KOTANI,  

[Paper #]HIP96-33
The role of color for face detection in a complex background

Aude Oliva,  Philippe Schyns,  Shigeru Akamatsu,  

[Paper #]HIP96-34
Video browsing system based on scenarios

Tsuneki Haizuka,  Seiki Inoue,  

[Paper #]HIP96-35
A Study on the reading system for a lung cancer screening CT

Kiyotaka OTSHJI,  Yu-ichi FUJINO,  Megumu TSUCHIKAWA,  Sakuichi OHTSUKA,  Kenjiro FUKUHISA,  Toru MATSUMOTO,  Susumu KANDACHI,  

[Paper #]HIP96-36
A Support System for Blind Persons to Obtain Two-dimensional Understanding

Hiroki MINAGAWA,  Noboru OHNISHI,  Noboru SUGIE,  

[Paper #]HIP96-37
Discriminating Emotions intended in Speech

Toshiyuki Shirasawa,  Tsuyoshi Yamamura,  Toshimitsu Tanaka,  Noboru Ohnishi,  

[Paper #]HIP96-38


[Paper #]