Engineering Sciences/NOLTA-Thought and Language(Date:2014/06/14)



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[Paper #]
The Molecular Structure of Meanings of a Word : Understanding Individual Attribution of Concreteness and Abstractness

Kimiaki TOKUMARU,  

[Paper #]TL2014-1
On Translation 2 : Verbal as Connectives

Morihiko IWAGAKI,  

[Paper #]TL2014-2
Contorol of Flow of Thought in Hierarchical Structured Semantic Space Model

Akinori TAKADA,  

[Paper #]TL2014-3
The Meaning and Usage of Japanese Aspect Forms -ru, -ta, -teiru, -teita : A Corpus-based analysis of the Collocating Verbs

Inna BLYZNA,  

[Paper #]TL2014-4
Constructivist On-Demand Learning : Contents Design for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Preparation Course

Yoshiko SERIKAWA,  

[Paper #]TL2014-5
Tablet-based English Listening practice with longer listening materials

Yasushi TSUBOTA,  Masatake DANTSUJI,  

[Paper #]TL2014-6
日本人大学生における英語知覚動詞の理解度 : 視覚動詞、look,see,watchの場合(言語と学習・場の共創)


[Paper #]TL2014-7
Production of English Question Sentences by Japanese EFL Learners : Lack of Training for Automatization

Yasunari HARADA,  Miwa MORISHITA,  

[Paper #]TL2014-8
A Practical Method of Measuring Automaticity in Second Language Grammar : A Comparison between WEB-based SPOT and ACTFL OPI

Yuichi SUZUKI,  

[Paper #]TL2014-9
Toward Automatic Extraction of Characteristic Features of English Composition by Japanese College Students : Preliminary Experiments and Issues to be Addressed

Hiroaki YAMADA,  Yutaka ISHII,  Yasunari HARADA,  

[Paper #]TL2014-10
Future Research Road Map for Thought and Language

Kazuo Sakai,  Tadahisa Kondo,  Masashi Saraki,  Kow Kuroda,  Hikaru Yokono,  Yasunari Harada,  

[Paper #]TL2014-11


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Notice for Photocopying


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