Electronics-Electromechanical Devices(Date:1997/04/18)



[Paper #]


[Paper #]
Actuators and their Applications

Hiroyuki Fujita,  Hiroshi Toshiyoshi,  

[Paper #]EMD97-1
Miniaturization of Cutting Machine Tools

Tokio Kitahara,  

[Paper #]EMD97-2
Comb-drive Nickel Micromirror Fabricated by Nickel Surface Micromachining

Koji Akimoto,  Yuji Uenishi,  Kazuharu Honma,  Shinji Nagaoka,  

[Paper #]EMD97-3
Fabrication of LIGA Mask Based on a Silicon IC-Process

Kenichiro Suzuki,  

[Paper #]EMD97-4
Room temperature silicon wafer direct bonding and its applicability to micro bonding

Hideki Takagi,  Ryutaro Maeda,  Tadatomo Suga,  

[Paper #]EMD97-5
Sensor Application of Magnetoresistive Effect Material : Development of Water-flowing Sensor using a large magnetoresistive effect element

Yuki Yoshida,  Tatsuo Kobayashi,  

[Paper #]EMD97-6


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