Communication-Ad Hoc Networks(Date:2003/09/05)



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[Paper #]
Analysis and design of a Vivaldi antenna by using the Method of Moment

Umesh Ramdaras,  Leo Ligthart,  

[Paper #]SANE2003-65
The application of migration to SAR-GPR system for landmine detection

Xuan Feng,  Motoyoyuki Sato,  

[Paper #]SANE2003-66
Analysis on the distribution of Ground Penetrating Radar for Land Mine Detection

Yusuke Hamada,  Xuan Feng,  Takao Kobayashi,  Motoyuki Sato,  

[Paper #]SANE2003-67
Numerical analysis of electromagnetic scattering from soil : Comparison of surface and volume scatterings

Tsuyoshi MATSUOKA,  Mitsuo TATEIBA,  

[Paper #]SANE2003-68
Examination on Monitoring Water Level with E-field Sensor Type Radar in Underground

Satoshi EBIHARA,  Kaoru NAGOYA,  Noriyasu ABE,  Masaru TOIDA,  

[Paper #]SANE2003-69
Analyses of geo-electric pulse current from a vertical dipole buried underground

Yuji ENOMOTO,  Hiroshi HASHIMOTO,  Nobumasa SHIRAI,  Yutaka MURAKAMI,  

[Paper #]SANE2003-70
LF - MF Band Electromagnetic Signals Observation System Using the Cross Loop Antenna

Nobumasa SHIRAI,  Yutaka MURAKAMI,  

[Paper #]SANE2003-71
Interpretation of Resistivity Structure across the Nankai Subduction Zone by marine MT survey

T. Kasaya,  T. Goto,  T. Watanabe,  T. Kimura,  Y. Ashida,  K. Yamane,  

[Paper #]SANE2003-72
Estimation of propagation constant and reflector position in inhomogeneous medium using combination of tomography and MUSIC algorithm

Takashi Miwa,  Ikuo Arai,  

[Paper #]SANE2003-73
3-D buried object detection using time-domain inverse scattering method and filtering technique

Hui ZHOU,  Takashi TAKENAKA,  Toshiyuki TANAKA,  

[Paper #]SANE2003-74
Development of the Three Dimensional Imaging Radar for Inspecting Concrete Bridge Decks

Haruyuki OBARA,  Noriaki KIMURA,  Kazuaki EZAWA,  Hiroyosi MORISIMA,  Kyouji DOI,  Yasunari MORI,  

[Paper #]SANE2003-75
Test Results of Concrete Models Inspected With the Three Dimensional Imaging Radar

Haruyuki Obara,  Hiroshi Watanabe,  Kazuaki Ezawa,  Hiroyoshi Morishima,  

[Paper #]SANE2003-76


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