Vol.36 No.4(Publication Date:2012/12/01) Download whole issue:PDF

IEICE-CS Activities NOW

  • Report on Communications Society Special Talk and Awarding Ceremony at 2012 IEICE Society Conference

    Takumi Miyoshi, Masato Mizoguchi

  • Renewal of Sister Society Agreement between KICS and IEICE-CS

    Yukihiko Okumura, Hidetoshi Kayama

  • Report on ICM English Session at 2012 IEICE Society Conference
    – BS-5 Network and Service Design, Control and Management –

    Mariko Yamada

  • Report on the First CQ Summer School

    Kiyohide Nakauchi, Tatsuya Yamazaki

From IEICE-CS Fellows

  • A Super Wideband FM Conversion Technique Employing Optical Heterodyne Detection for Access Network Fibering

    Nori Shibata

  • Global Standardization Developing Broad Capabilities for Businessmen

    Yukitsuna Furuya

  • Research Areas and Trends in Next Generation Fixed and Mobile Networks

    Nei Kato, Hiroki Nishiyama, Zubair Md. Fadlullah

From Laboratories

  • Advanced and Collaborative ICT research in Europe by the Telecommunications Research Laboratory of Toshiba

    Shinichi Baba

From Foreign Students/Members

  • A Chance to Be at Center of Innovation

    Boonsarn Pitakdumrongkija

  • My Precious Memories in Japan

    Saher Umer

IEICE-CS Related Conference Reports

  • Report on 8th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing

    Mariusz Głąbowski

  • Report of the Symposium on Network Virtualization 2012 and AsiaFI Network Virtualization Workshop

    Toru Hasegawa, Akihiro Nakao, Yasuo Okabe

  • Report on the 2012 International WDN Workshop on Cooperative and Heterogeneous Networks (WDN-CN2012)

    Gia Khanh Tran, Suguru Kameda

  • Report on 16th ICIN (ICIN2012)

    Osamu Mizuno

  • Report on the 18th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC2012)

    Takashi Shimizu

  • Report on 14th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS2012)

    Jun Ogawa, Makoto Takano

  • IEICE-CS Conferences Calendar

Vol.36 No.3(Publication Date:2012/09/01) Download whole issue:PDF

IEICE-CS Activities NOW

  • A New Online Journal: IEICE Communications Express (ComEX)

    Nobuyoshi Kikuma

  • Report on the 25th Anniversary Symposium of the Technical Committee on Optical Communication Systems

    Technical Committee on Optical Communication Systems

  • Annual Report of Technical Committee on Network Systems

    Shigeo Urushidani, Atsushi Hiramatsu, George Kimura, Takashi Kurimoto, Kazuhiko Kinoshita, Masaki Bandai

  • Annual Report of Technical Committee on Communication Systems

    Hisaya Hadama, Toshinori Tsuboi, Seiji Kozaki, Daisuke Umehara

  • Technical Committee of Software Radio: 7th-Year

    Suguru Kameda, Kentaro Ishizu, Shinsuke Ibi, Kenta Umebayashi, Osamu Takyu, Keigo Hasegawa, Hiromasa Fujii

From Laboratories

  • Global R&D Formation in NEC

    Yoshihiko Suemura

  • Introduction to MERL in USA

    Richard C. Waters

From Foreign Students/Members

  • Experiences in Japan

    Le Liu

  • My Ph.D Research Life in Japan

    Guanghui Song

IEICE-CS Sponsored Conference Report

  • Report on European Wireless 2012

    Krzysztof Wesołowski

  • Report on the 2012 IEEE 75th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2012-Spring)

    Yoshihiro Ishikawa

  • Report on 2012 Korea-Japan EMT/EMC/BE Joint Conference (KJJC-2012)

    Nobuo Kuwabara, Masao Taki, Masahiko Nishimoto

  • Report on 2012 Sarajevo Technology Forum (STF2012) on Information and Communication Technology

    Amir Ligata

  • Report on the 10th International Conference on Optical Internet (COIN 2012)

    Takashi Miyamura, Osamu Ishida, Atsushi Hiramatsu

  • IEICE-CS Conferences Calendar

Vol.36 No.2(Publication Date:2012/06/01) Download whole issue:PDF

Message from President

  • IEICE is not a Japanese Institute but an International Institute

    Yoshiaki Tanaka

From IEICE-CS Fellows

  • Wired Digital Transmission and Related Network Synchronization Technologies in the Core network
    – Experience and View –

    Hiroshi Fukinuki

  • Review of Evolution of Wireless Transmission Technologies

    Eisuke Fukuda

From Foreign Students/Members

  • 15 Years of Living and Exploring in Japan

    Jerdvisanop Chakarothai

  • Working in Japan as a Network Research Engineer

    Liang Zhang

  • Life is Colorful, and Research is Cheerful

    Bo Gu

  • Experiencing Campus Life in Japan

    Xin Wang

  • Motivation Vector and A Water-Flowing Rule

    Dinh Thanh Le

From Laboratories

  • Dream Building Labs – Center of Excellence with Delight and Passion –

    Chen Lan

  • Activity of Fujitsu Research and Development Center in China

    Satoshi Naoi

IEICE-CS Activities NOW

  • Renewal of Sister Society Agreement between IEICE-CS and CIC (China Institute of Communications)

    Hidetoshi Kayama, Takao Naito

  • Report on NS English Session at 2012 IEICE General Conference
    – BS-3 Management and Control Technologies for Innovative Networks –

    Kazuhiko Kinoshita, Masaki Bandai, Takashi Kurimoto, Shigeo Urushidani, George Kimura

  • Report on Photonic Network Symposium 2012
    – 100Gbit/s Fiber Optics and Competitive Power in Global market –

    Hisaya Hadama

  • Report on 28th IN/NS Research Workshop

    Tomonori Takeda, Takashi Kurimoto, Masaki Bandai, Shigeo Urushidani, George Kimura, Masashi Toyama, Junichi Murayama, Kazuyuki Tasaka, Kenji Hori, Tohru Asami, Hikaru Suzuki

  • Annual Report of Technical Committee on Information Networks

    Masashi Toyama, Junichi Murayama

IEICE-CS Sponsored Conference Reports

  • Report on 3rd Workshop of Internet Architecture in Dalian, China

    Masahiro Hiji

  • Report on World Telecommunications Congress 2012 (WTC 2012)

    Noriaki Kamiyama, Kohei Shiomoto

  • Report on the Tenth Jubilee International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 2011)

    Yoshiaki Kakuda

  • IEICE-CS Conferences Calendar

Vol.36 No.1(Publication Date:2012/03/01) Download whole issue:PDF

From IEICE-CS Fellows

  • Optical Technology Application to EMC Measurement

    Nobuo Kuwabara

  • From Bio-EMC Evaluation to Bio-EMC Design for Body-Centric Communications

    Jianqing Wang

  • Brief History and Future Prospects of Technology Development for High-speed Optical Fiber Internet Access Services

    George Kimura

IEICE-CS Activities Now

  • International Activities of the IEICE Communications Society in 2011

    Takao Naito, Hidetoshi Kayama

  • Report on Communications Society Annual Assembly at 2011 IEICE Society Conference

    Noriyoshi Sonetaka

  • ICSANE 2011, International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics 2011, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

    Kohei OSA

  • Joint Conference on Satellite Communications (JC-SAT 2011) Report

    Kanshiro Kashiki, Naoko Yoshimura

  • Report on the 9th QoS Workshop

    Masato Uchida

  • Report on the 25th Anniversary Celebration Optical Communication Systems Symposium
    – Social Role and Future Prospect of Optical Communications –

    Technical Committee on Optical Communication Systems

IEICE-CS Sponsored Conference Report

  • Report on 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC2011)

    Takashi Shimizu, Hidetoshi Kayama

  • Report on 15th ICIN (ICIN2011)

    Osamu Mizuno, Masami Iio

  • Report on ISAP 2011 and ISAP International Steering Committee Meeting

    Kunio Sawaya, Hiroyoshi Yamada

  • Report on the 29th AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC-2011)

    Hiromitsu Wakana

  • IEICE-CS Conferences Calendar