Vol.19(Publication Date:2007/03/01) Download whole issue:PDF

IEICE Activities NOW

  • Internet Architecture (IA) Technical Committee

    Yasuo Okabe, Koji Okamura, Kenji Fujikawa, Tomohiro Otani

  • Technical Committee on Optical Fiber Technologies

    Mitsuhiro Tateda, Kunio Kokura, Shigeru Tomita, Masato Shiino, Mitsuru Kihara

  • Report on the 4th QoS Workshop

    Kiyohide Nakauchi, Toru Hasegawa

  • The 20th symposium on Optical Communication Systems
    “Optical communication and networking technologies required in the NGN era”

    Technical Committee on Optical Communication Systems

IEICE Sponsored Conference Report

  • Japan-Korea Joint Conference on Satellite Communications (JC-SAT 2006) Report

    Kiyoshi Kobayashi

  • Report on 9th Asia-Pacific Network Operation and Management Symposium (APNOMS2006)

    Hideo Imanaka, Hiroshi Kuriyama